Chapter Twenty-Three

Start from the beginning

          Rose also knew that Scorpius thought he was being discreet when he brushed their arms as he passed with Charlie in the corridors.  He was doing a rather good job of hiding it from Albus... Marie, on the other hand, had caught the way Rose's cheeks had warmed at his fleeting touch that morning.  And she had not been happy. 

          Rose couldn't care less about Marie Merryweather, though.  Not anymore, that is.  Scorpius had confirmed that she was out of the picture and that he had never been interested.  That was more than good enough for Rose's satisfaction. 

          Rose pulled her gaze away from Scorpius as Harry clapped his hands and asked for any questions.  James straightened up with a relieved sigh as a large majority of hands around them shot into the air. 

          "Thank Dumbledore," her older cousin muttered.  "That means it's almost over."

          Rose let a giggle out under her breath.  James really was petty, but she had to love him for it.  It was highly amusing at times, no matter how rude or disrespectful. 

          The questions for her Uncle Harry lasted around half an hour, by Rose's estimation.  By the time Harry smiled apologetically and informed the students that their time was up, James was snoring softly in his seat next to her, and Albus was tracing words in the air with his wand. 

          She rolled her eyes and nudged the sleeping boy.  He jolted awake with a snort, to which Albus and Robert sniggered at. 

          "Rise and shine," she muttered to James, who glared at her. 

          "Thanks a lot," he said, brushing the black trousers down and standing up with a stretch. 

          Rose and the two other boys followed suit, filing out of the row after James.  Many of the other students were trudging noisily out of the Great Hall, while the remainder stood in groups chatting. 

          Harry Potter descended the stage and made his way over to them.  Unlike many of the students, who gawked as he passed them, Robert was fairly unphased.  He was used to being around the Boy Who Lived — he spent many a day in summer at the Potter household. 

          "So," said Harry as he arrived in their little group of four.  His glasses were slightly askew and his hair was a mess.  "What did you think?"

          "Highly informative," Rose replied with a smile. 

          "You did good," Albus said, Robert nodding along. 

          "It was boring," James stated.

          Rose shot her cousin a glare. 

          Harry rolled his eyes, clearly unimpressed but used to James' dismissal of him.  "Thank you, son," he muttered, before turning to the three younger teens.  "Are you sure it wasn't too repetitive?  Did I use the analogies well enough?  I tried not to talk too much about Voldemort, but—"

          "Honestly, Uncle Harry, you did great," assured Rose, earning her a grateful smile.

          "Yeah, Dad," Albus said.  "It's slightly different for us because we've heard the same stories from you before but I'm sure to everyone else it was fine— hey, Robert, why don't you tell him?"

          Rose's lip twitched as Robert struggled to explain his opinion of Harry's presentation.  Albus was a horrible friend, dropping him in the deep end like that.  They all knew he had paid just as little attention as they. 

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