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Me: ugh vacation is almost over T_T

Blue: so does that mean you cant update anymore *gasp* O.0

Me: maybe but I WILL try to update during school and maybe finish this book in a couple of weeks

Blue: so wherea re you? Right now?

Me: in a plane, its been 14 hours now.. So long -_- not much of a fan of long traveling

Red: how much longer?

Me: a couple of hours left I guess


Me: anways lets start the chapter -w- in 3...2...1...

___GREENS P.O.V___

We ran inside to see Red on the floor, motionless. I thought of several reasons why and came to a conclusion, but no way would I believe, he couldn't be dead, right?

On top of him was a familiar Persian with one paw on his back, beside him was Bronze stroking the Pokemon's fur

"RED!!!" Blue yelled, Bronze looked up with a surprised expression but was immediately replaced with a sly smile

"Oh, your alive." She stated, did she really think we were that weak? Well we did almost die "I thought you would be dead right now like your two other friends"

"Do you really think we would give up our lives that easily?!" Soul argued

"Well yes I do think so" Bronze replied, I gritted my teeth. Before I would do anything stupid that I would regret, I took out my charivari fully healed thanks to the supplies Daisy and Bill brought

"What happened to Red?!" I exclaimed "What did you do?!"

"He was getting feisty so I decided to get rid of him!" She smirked, everyone gasped

"YOU KILLED HIM!!!" Gold yelled

"Maybe" she smiled innocently witch everyone would have though was a smile of a six year old girl, but no she wasn't gonna trick us that easily


I called jumping on the orange dragons back as it flew a few feet off the ground, Blue looked up to me curiously

"I'm going closer to check on Red, distract Bronze" I whispered my plan. She nodded

"Just please be carefull" she said before sending out her Blastoise "Blasty! Use Hydro pump!" The turtle pokemon powered up its jet like guns that was stuck behind his shell as it shot out a powerful beam of water

(A/N: I'm not sure if that's how a Hydro pump work for a Blastoise, but yeah who cares)

I nodded at Blue after giving a silent thanks then flew closer to the motionless pokemon champion.

"Grrrr Persian stay here!" Bronze grumbled to the pokemon as it sat on Reds back while she walked hurriedly over to the battle with Blue "I'll deal with these brats"

'Score! Bronze fell for the plan, now I just have to go over to Red and check on him' I thought to myself, would it be that easy? No, there's still that annoying Persian sitting on him, eyeing me with its striking eyes and a sly smirk

"Hey Kitty" I said obviously trying to annoy the hell out of it so it can attack me, yes that's my plan

Persian gets pissed off, pounces on me while I try to dodge it or use Charizard, then after it gets defeated I would sneak Red out.

"Schisssssss" it hissed at me, it's claws growing long scratching the harmless air

"Do you want to play?" I asked smirking, it glared at me "Then let's play! Charizard Flamethrower!" I yelled, Charizard dropped down in front of me making the ground rumble. It made the Persian looked like an caterpee compared to the large dragon type

A small flame began to form inside its mouth as it grew larger and larger until it spat it out forming a long rope of fire, The Persian looked eye widened as it jumped off Red... Oh wait!! Shoot!


I yelled panicked, how can I be so stupid. I could have burned Red!!

The rope of fire stopped in midair as it's slowly disappeared, colliding with the warm atmosphere and mixing with the air nearly hitting Red

"Now Charizard, Dragon breath!" I yelled facing the Persian witch was away from Red now

My chance is higher than this cat!

__BLUES P.O.V___

I knew I was gonna win, I knew Red weakened Bronze just enough for us to defeat her.

Black, White, Wally, Sapphire, Gold and the Sinnoh trio were battling off grunts that came, and Daisy, Bill, Silver, Soul and I were trying to find an opening from Bronze

Her pokemon were weak now, yet she just won't give up. And I knew neither will we. Though we have her outnumbered, and the chances of winning was obviously high,

she stayed calm with that sly smirk on her face. Witch was starting to annoy me, how can she stay calm when she was about to lose, or did she know something that we don't?!


"Go ahead and try" she said sending out another pokemon, she was controlling two pokemon at the same time, a Croagunk and Steelix. Witch were close to fainting

"Blastoise, hydro cannon to Steelix" my pokemon did as told, critical hit to Steelix as it fainted. Bronze returned it and surprisingly she also returned her Croagunk

"Okay game over, you win, I lost." She said simply, is this true? Was she really accepting defeat?! Impossible!

"Liar! What else do you have on your sleeve?!" Soul yelled. I turned to look at my juniors who were battling the grunts, the grunts are starting to retreat in a rush.

"Before I'm taken to jail, where is your friend Yellow?" She ask, I turned to look outside the two large opened doors to see nothing but a dark hall way, 'Where is she? We told her to wait outsid- don't tell me they..."

"WHERES YELLOW!!" I yelled, she laughed. Not an evil laugh nor an innocent one, it was a laugh of a pshyco, a maniac who have been consumed by insanity

"There she is!" She pointed over to a wall, still clutching her stomach from the eerie laughter. Threw all twisted and reveled a fainted (more like asleep) familiar blonde

She was trapped in a machine, a steel wall with metal cuffs sealing her arms stuck to the wall. Tubes and wires were dangling all over the machine and her, she was like an experiment in an science observatory for mad scientist

"What... Is this.." I whispered in shock, it was scary. What's happening and what does that... that 'thing' do?

That's when it hit me, the absorption! To the absorb powers! But what do they want of it?! Why do they need the power, but knowing Team Rocket it can never be a good reason

She drugged in her pocket and took out a remote control. "This will start the absorption" she said

"STOP!!!" I yelled, she grinned mischievously at me

"And why would I?"

"Please don't do this" I begged, I noticed her eyes soften and her smirk became straight just when I though she would drop the remote, she held it up as the pshycotic smirk returned, her eyes swirling in circles like a maniac

"JUST KIDDING, GOOD BYE VERDE!!" She yelled pressing the button

"Oh no.." A large flash of light appeared consuming everyone in white. It was so bright I had to cover my eyes with hands, blinking won't do

I'm sorry Yellow





Pokemon Oneshot (My Only Shade Of Yellow) ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now