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   First person prov. (Alaeea)
He drags me behind him into the hall, toward the room I came from.
"Listen to me Alaeea my brothers are not the kind of men you should be around."
He says before we stop before a door. I look up at him confusion.
"Why do you say that?"
"Well Histvirk likes to play with girls, he and Uber tends to share, ask Marrgirett. She'd have no problem telling you, I'm sure."
He says but I can feel the disgust coming off him in waves. "And well Ivar is too dangerous for a little girl like yourself to handle alone, so if I where you I would try to keep away from him. He's to full of rage to be of any use to anyone." I can feel the frustration and hate he has for Ivar
I nod trying to understand why he would say these things about his brothers. I know that Hisvirk is just looking for his place and love. Uber feels lost in the large shadow of Bojrn and never feeling enough for those around him and is mad at Bojrn for taking those things for granted. I know his worry is because he fears for me, I can feel it laying in the back of his mind. Under his doubt,worry and grudge for his brothers.
"Thank you, Bojrn for your concern. I know I am small and so far you are all Giants but I promise I'm not too helpless."
I laugh softly. Trying to convince myself as much as him. It causes him to smile, and laugh showing me his bright white teeth. The first time I've seen him smile. He looks beautiful like a battle scared angel. I look at the floor blushing deeply. Quickly ducking into the door. He laughs more.
"I will bring you some clothes. You will have to find someone to show you to sew, so you can fit them to your size." I stay silent sitting on my bed feeling useless. Having nothing to do.

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