Chapter 12- Not Strange At All...

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"Come on Cita, it'll be fun." Theta stood in front of a TARDIS that he had found earlier that day. TARDIS were supposed to be parked in the TARDIS garage or on the owners land, but this one was just sitting in the open with the door unlocked. I stood a few feet away, wondering if I should accompany Theta inside.

"I don't know Theta, we might get in trouble for trespassing." Ha, that's not why I didn't want to go. I didn't give a crap about trespassing, but I had a vision. We won't be caught today, but many times in the future.

"Oh come on Cita. Forget about that. We've always wanted to travel the stars and this is where it all happens. Why don't you live a little."

Oh, what the hell. I smiled and ran towards Theta. We turned to each other and nodded. We shut our eyes and walked in, closing the doors behind us.

"On three, ok Cita."


" 1  -  2  -  3  ."

We opened our eyes and were amazed by what we saw. The control room was covered in stars and had a glass floor. It was nothing short of where our dreams would play out.

"Whoa." Theta and I both neared the console and started guessing what all the levers and buttons do. I knew it wasn't wise, but I had to say something about the future, just to keep Theta dreaming about traveling the stars.

"I can already see that this will be our future. Running about a TARDIS, traveling the stars. Even if our future is dark, traveling will bring the light."


"You ok Cita? You look you kind of, spaced out there." And of course he had to say that when we're flying through space.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just thinking...So, where are we 'adventuring' to." The Doctor gave me a you-changing-the-subject-just-makes-me-think-the-opposite look and I sighed.

"I'm fine Doctor, I really am. It's just, being in a TARDIS brings back lots of memories and I have a lot on my mind and---you know what, lets just get traveling."

"So," what is with this man and questions, "before we get to traveling, one more question. Who were you calling earlier, and, don't use cursing to cover up the question, cause that obviously doesn't work."

I pretended to be hurt by his words. Ok, so I was stalling, but still...

"I've been cursing all my life and now you're telling me that it has no effect. Man, what a waste of life."

It's working, it's working...

"Cita, it's not working,"

Shit, he's smarter than I thought. Maybe I should tell him. Then they won't hate each other anymore... possibly.

"Now tell me who you were calling. I'm gonna find out anyway, once the TARDIS lets her guard down."

The TARDIS made a noise of disapproval. Yeah, she's on my side!

I sighed, might as well tell him now. "Well, I-"

Before I could finish what I was saying, the Doctor and I were flung to the ground as the TARDIS and a huge ship collided...when were in the middle of space.

I turned to the Doctor and shouted to him.

"You idiot! You left the shields down!"

As he was coughing and sputtering, he reached for the console and repaired the TARDIS walls. I ran over to a life preserver and flipped it around, only to find Titanic written across it. 

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