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"I am here to speak with the principle please," I tell the assistant offering her a smile.

"You're suppose to be in class now Ms Jacobs. I am sure this can wait," she replies not looking me in the eyes.

"In fact, it cant. It's quite important."

She looks up at me for a moment through her thick rimmed glasses before grabbing the phone and asking the principal if I can come in. He agrees. I make my way to the door. I knock hearing the 'come in' before I step inside the office.

"What's the matter, Ms Jacobs?" The principal questions as he places down the few paper sheets he had in hand.

"I believe there has been a misunderstanding. I just found out that I am going to be sharing a locker with a new student. His name is Mason, I believe."

"That's right," he simply responds as he looks through a few papers.

"But, sir, no one in the school shares a locker. Why am I obligated to do so."

"Mason is a transferee. I expect you to help his feel welcomed as we have no available locker for him at the moment."

"But why me? There are plenty of other students out there," I complain.

"We have asked for people to volunteer in sharing their locker during the last assembly."

Well shit, Clary and I ditched that assembly. Every student was requested to attend but we just didn't feel like it.

"There were no volunteers so we've decided it would be the most suitable solution to make one of the students who ditched the assembly share their locker. And due to the fact that your locker was the closest to most of Mason's classes we picked yours," he explains giving me a looking that's basically telling me this is my punishment for ditching the assembly.

I say nothing. I let out a breath before I say, "thanks."

With that, I storm out of the office.

I can't believe this. I mean so what if I ditched the assembly. It was a boring ass meeting anyway. All they do is blab about shit no one cares about.

Ugh, this is not gonna be fun.

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: May 21, 2018 ⏰

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