chapter 2

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"what are you doing tonight?" -

"Well Mom I'm going to make these hot pockets and then I'm going to sit on my bed and watch Netflix until I can't blink."- em

" I thought you were going out with Nick tonight."-

"Yes so did I. Just like I thought for the past 10 months. But he is going to see Elizabeth."- She really hates being called that and I get a small satisfaction out of saying it.

My mom looked me up and down in my ripped skinny jeans , blink182 t-shirt, and my pickle Rick socks.

"Perhaps if you put a little more effort into your appearance Nick would choose to be here with you instead."-

"Pickle Rick is highly offended by your comments." I grabbed my hot pockets and walked to my room and slammed the door.

My mom is no taller than I am but she wears 3 inch heels at all times. Her hair reaches her hips and she gets it dyed platinum blonde every 3 weeks. She tans so often she could use Cheez-Its as a highlighter. If you saw her next to me and Liz you would assume she was her mother and not mine.

I can't even roll my eyes hard enough at her comment. For starters I love my clothes. Secondly Nick bought me these socks and they are my favorite.

I am in no way ugly. More like a emo pixie. Nick used to tell me I was his Alice. She was always his favorite character and he had a huge poster of her on his wall. I even got her hair cut because he liked her so much. It was at that point I started to think maybe he was into me like I was into him. Who would have thought he actually wanted a Rosalie.

I looked into the mirror and scrunched my nose. Tilted my head and looked at myself as her words played again.

Perhaps if you put a little more effort into your appearance Nick would be here with you instead.

Maybe she is right.

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I grabbed a hot Pocket, jumped on my bed, and opened my laptop.

Nick Anderson is in a relationship with Liz Thompson



Anyone want to bet on how long it will last this time?


Hey ELIZABETH did you check with the other guy you are banging to see if he is ok with you changing your relationship status...  I hate you


I slammed my laptop shut and pushed it to the floor. No Netflix for me. Not feeling so well all of a sudden.


1 week later..

Nick: doing anything? I could really use my best friend right now. :/

Em: you know better than anyone I'm literally doing nothing right now.

Nick: you are the best. See you in an hour?

Em: of course.

I jumped up and put on a pair of black skinnies, a tank top, and my vans. Then I went and did my hair and makeup. As I put on my green day hoodie I heard my phone vibrate.

Nick: 😕 reschedule? Sorry for the short notice.

Why did you even get out of bed? Damn it Em you knew he was going to do this.

Em: uh yeah.. sure


No... Fuck that. She doesn't get to do this today. I threw off my green day hoodie and put on a pink flannel over my tank top. Then I swapped my vans for a pair of knee high boots. I walked straight to Nick's front door before I could talk myself out of it.

Knock knock...

"Hey.. I sent you a message I gotta reschedule. I'm sorry"-

"No. Nope not today."- em

"What?" Nick

"We are not rescheduling. We are leaving right now. Together."- em

"I'd love to Em. It's just..."

"Liz? She wants to talk.. fix things?"- I tried not to sound annoyed.

"...yea."- Nick

"Well you can do that later."- em

"I kinda told her I'd be on my way now"- nick

"Good let her worry a little. You have cancelled on me for 10 months. Today we are hanging out. I promise to have you home by 8pm. I can even drive you to her house. But right now nick you are going to turn off your phone and get in my car ."- em

"Who are you and what have you done with my small passive Alice?"- Nick

"I left her in my closet with my sneakers. Get in the car"- Em

"One condition. I (I threw the keys at him) get to drive" nick

Nick started laughing and powered off his phone.

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