Chapter 5

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Dawn's P.O.V.


Right now I'm in the car with Alex and his sister Kim. Alex finally got her to shut up and stop hugging me so now we're on our way to his house. We agreed that I'd meet his parents today and he'll meet my mom tomorrow.

When we pulled up to his house I suddenly became terrified.

"What's wrong?" Alex asked.


"Baby, I can feel you shaking from here. Please tell me what's wrong." he gave me puppy dog eyes.

I sighed. "What if they don't like me?"

He chuckled. "Baby, they are going to love you! Now, come on let's go meet them."

We got out of the car and walked up the stairs and into his house.

"Mom, dad, we're home. I have someone I want you to meet."

A man that looked like an older version of Alex came down the stairs and a woman with mint green eyes and dark brown hair came out of the kitchen. They each gave him a hug and than turned to me.

"And who is this lovely young lady?" his father asked.

"My dad, this is my mate Dawn." he smiled proudly.

"You have a lovely home Mr. and Mrs. Moon." I gave a shy smile.

"Oh honey, we love her already!" they said together.

"See I told you they would!" her whispered in my ear causing shivers to go down my spine.

"Please come sit with us. I wanna get to know my future daughter-in-law." his mom winked at me.

"While you ladies do that, Alex and I have to attend a pack meeting. It was very nice meeting you my dear." his father gave me and his mother one last hug before they left.

When Alex left I must've let out a small whimper of sadness because he came back and said, "I'll be back in a couple hours okay?" than he pressed his soft lips to mine gently, turning my knees to jelly as it felt like the forth of July was going off inside me. Than me turned and went with his father.

"You guys are too cute!" his mother squealed.

"Thanks." I blushed slightly.

"So dear tell me about yourself."

"Well what do you want to know?"

"Do you have any hobbies?"

"Umm... does photography count?"

"Of course dear." she smiled. " Any brothers or sisters?"

"Yes. I have an older brother named Max."

"What are your parents like?"

"My mother is a doctor. And she's a very nice woman."

"And your father?"

I paused for a moment, but than went on. "I'm not really sure. He abandoned my mother, brother, and I when I was about five. In fact I still remember the day he left, he just told me not to be anymore of a disappointment than I already was."

"I'm so sorry dear. And what a terrible thing to say to a child! I mean why in the world would you be a disappointment?"

"Because I'm one of the special three."

She looked shocked. "Really? Which one?"

"I'm the night fairy."

"Would you show me dear? I've always heard of fairies when I was just a small pup, but I've never actually seen one."

"Of course!" I got up from my seat and closed the curtains in the living room. Than I let my fairy out.

"Amazing! You're such a beautiful girl, even when you are not in your fairy form!"

"Thank you." I changed back to normal, and sat down.

"So do you like children?"

"I love children!"

"Do you plan on having any?"

"Well I would love to, but only if Alex wants children too. I wouldn't want to have a child who's father didn't even want them."

"Good. Did you ever used to sleep around a lot?"

I about choked on my own saliva. "Actually, Mrs.Moon, I'm a virgin."

"Even better." she smiled."Well I should probably get dinner started, the meeting's almost over."

I looked at the clock. "I thought they said they'd be gone for two hours, it's only been one hour."

"My husband mind-linked me and said it's almost over."

"Oh, would you like some help with dinner?"

"That'd be amazing! Would you like to join us?"

"Sure. Thanks."

We started to prepare dinner, which was just a classic fettuccine alfredo. Than for dessert I prepared a homemade cheesecake with fresh strawberry glaze drizzled over top, with fresh raspberries and a mint leaf.

"Darling, this looks and smell amazing! You didn't tell me you could cook."

"Well you helped!" I smiled.

"Not much though."

"But still, we both did it."

Than the boys walked through the door.

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