The Impossible Planet

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The three of us left the Tardis, looking around at our surroundings. The moment we had landed, I had a sinking feeling that told me we should leave. While I wanted to act on it, it wasn't my decision to make… it was up to the Doctor really. I smiled, thinking about him. He had come into my room after Rose and I talked. He stayed the night, not sleeping; the two of us just talked until I had kicked him out of the room so that I could shower and change. It was becoming a routine, a nice one to be honest. It only made our bond stronger, even with me refusing to acknowledge what he had previously said and if I were still a bit cross and extremely terrified. While on the outside I faked indifference, inside, I was still a whirlwind of disaster. My thoughts were constantly on the fact that I was nothing more than a piece of his dead lover. With each passing hour, it killed me more and more… especially knowing that he wanted her back, no matter what he seemed to say. Who could deny the person they loved? Shaking my head, I brought my attention to my best friend and the Doctor, only to see him petting the Tardis. Rose had her attention on the sentient ship, a worried expression on her face. "What's wrong with her?"

"I don't know what's wrong though. She's sort of queasy. Indigestion, like she didn't want to land."

"Oh, if you think there's going to be trouble, we could always get back inside and go somewhere else," Rose responded and the two laughed almost hysterically. While they were happy to ignore the obvious warning from the Tardis, I was more than wary. As I stood there examining my surrounding, I could help but feel a sense of déjà vu. Something was going to happen, something that none of us would like and I wanted nothing more than to run back into the Tardis and force the Doctor to fly the three of us away. Yet, while that was what I wanted to do, I knew my companions would never do so. The more dangerous, the better.

"I think we've landed inside a cupboard. Here we go." He took my hand and we walked through the door.

"Open door 15."

"Some sort of base. Moon base, sea base, space base. They build these things out of kits."

"Close door 15."

"Glad we're indoors," Rose commented as a loud noise filled the room. "Sounds like a storm out there."

"Open door 16."

"Human design. You've got a thing about kits. The place was put together like a flat pack wardrobe, only bigger. And easier."

We stepped down to an area with tables and chairs and a big 3 on the wall. "Open door 17."

"Oh, it's a sanctuary base."

"Close door 17."

"Deep Space exploration. We've gone way out. And listen to that, underneath. Someone's drilling."

"Welcome to hell."

"Oh, it's not that bad."

"No, over there," Rose said as she pointed to a wall that had the walls painted in big red paint, laughing. Underneath there was alien script written vertically. She only stopped when the Doctor didn't join in.

The Doctor ran over. "Hold on, what does that say? That's weird, it won't translate."

"But I thought the Tardis translated everything, writing as well. We should see English."

"Exactly. If that's not working, then it means this writing is old. Very old. Impossibly old. We should find out who's in charge." He released my hand and spun the wheel on another bulkhead door. "We've gone beyond the reach of the Tardis' knowledge. Not a good move. And if someone's lucky enough…"

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