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People say,
It is best to let go of the past.
It is best to leave it behind,
To forget about it.
It is the past after all.

But how could we abandon something
That makes us who we are today?
Every action,
Every word,
Every event
In our life,
Has shaped us in to
the person we are today.

Rather than push away the
Hardships of the past,
To struggle constantly to forget,
Isn't it better to truly let it go?
Not so shove it into the deepest
Recesses of your brain,
Never again to glimpse the light,
Why don't we let it wonder aimlessly,
And have no power over us,
Like the constant fear
of it being remembered.

Isn't it better to
confront these bad thing directly,
To look straight at it and say,
I am not afraid of you.
Sometimes it is hard to get close.
The bad things may scare you away
When they see they are in danger
Of losing their control over you.
So even if you have to act like
You are making a deal with this enemy,
Make it appear you are
turning from good,
Isn't it easier to even catch darkness
Off guard, when not facing it head on?
So if you must,
Don't be afraid to stab it in the back,
If it means you are free from its chains.

Writings to the MoonOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora