Chapter Two: Hydra

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Chapter Two: Hydra

Steve's POV

"Bucky?" I whispered, not really believing that he was here, right now, in my apartment.

"Yeah," he said. "I need you help."

I froze for a second and looked him up and down. Anger welled inside me until I realized that my fist made contact with his jaw.

"You've got to be freaking kidding me!" I yelled. "Help you?! I've been going through hell to track you down, while you were actively avoiding me! Then you show up in my apartment for help?!"

"I realize that it is inappropriate, but this is a matter of urgency." He held his hand to his jaw. He didn't look like the Bucky I knew. His hair was long and choppy, and he just seemed older, like he had been through hell. On a good note, he wasn't trying to kill me where I stood, which was what he tried to do when I met this new Bucky. Well Winter Soldier.

"What could you possibly need from me?" I lowered my tone.

"I believe Hydra has taken Vivian and Adam Rogers."

*Viv's POV*

My eyes fluttered open. A raging headache came to me at once. I groaned and tried to sit up. That was when the pain in my leg made itself known with a shock of pain throughout my entire body. I had to bite my tongue to stifle a scream.

"Viv!" Adam called. He ran up to me and sat me up with my back leaning on his chest.

"Sup little bro," I groaned. He gave a sarcastic smile.

"Are you okay?"

"Never better. You know, beside me getting SHOT IN THE LEG!" I yelled. He gave a smile.

"At least you're still acting like same old Viv." Adam hugged me tightly to his chest, and I buried my face into his warm shirt.

"Where are we?" I whispered.

"I have no idea."

As if on cue, the door opened to reveal a tall man in his thirties. He had dark hair and brown eyes. The man was about as tall as Adam and armed heavily. I didn't say anything, but glared at him.

"Ah, you're awake," he smiled. "Dr. Peterson will be happy to hear that."

"Who are you?" Adam hissed.

"I'm Ward, Grant Ward. I'm kind of your guard, and I have permission to shoot both of you down if you try anything." The man crossed his arms, his scowl back and permanently sealed.

"He didn't mean you. He meant YOU. As in the people who would kidnap us."

"Hydra? You would think you two would know it. Oh well. I would rest up it starts tomorrow."

"What starts tomorrow?" Adam asked.

Ward didn't answer. He just gave an eerie smile that one knew meant nothing but trouble, and walked out the room.

Meanwhile, I was having a nervous breakdown. Hydra? HYDRA?! Everyone had heard about them after the fall of SHIELD. But we all thought they had fallen too, but it made sense. Nothing that big would fall so easily. Cut off one head, two more grows, right? But what did they want with us. We were just the average, run of the mill teenage orphans. Why would they want us of all people? Something wasn't right, and Adam felt it too. As Ward walked off, his grip around me tightened.

"We have to get out of here," he whispered.

"Love to hear any bright ideas Quarterback."

*Steve's POV*

I froze for a second. "Wait what?"

"Yeah, yeah big shock," Bucky rolled his eyes. "Look, they're twins, 16. Hydra has been after them for a long, long time. Since they were born. They had them, too. Peggy's their mother, and she was informed that the children had died. Hydra took them... Blah, blah, blah... Six years later, SHIELD got a whiff of them and then Hydra had no other choice but to put them on ice and hide them. They mysteriously disappeared ten years ago. No one knew how, but I found them."

I glared at him. "How do I know this isn't a trap? That you're trying to lure me into Hydra somehow?"

Bucky once again rolled his eyes. "I don't need your help. I can do this on my own, but I just thought you would like to know that you got twins at the enemy base. If you're coming, meet me at 6329 Chaplin St., at eight. If not, oh well."

With that he left. I took a deep breath. Holy crap. I had to go right?


So hey guys. Did you like? Well please vote and comment. Also hydras the only baddie I got for cap now. If any of you read Cap comics ((which I do not sorry. I have like 1 and that's it.)) please tell me if there is awesome villains you know. Okay and vote and comment again BYE

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