Being A Bodyguard Of A Hollywood Jerk! -Ch 10-

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Before you begin reading this, I have to say that I'm sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo very sorry that I've made you wait sooo goddamn long! T___T I don't really have good excuses, just that the past almost two weeks I've been watching "The Prince Of Tennis" anime and going on sims 2.  

I know I suck at uploading :(  

But that anime is SO addicting! Mada Mada Dane is my new catchphrase ;D (See anime to understand, or ask me if you're lazy :P)


Being A Bodyguard Of A Hollywood Jerk!

-Ch 10- Midnight Calls and Morning Coffees

Cera's P.o.v.

I slammed the last file on Herry's desk in exhaustion. The feeling of a heavy rock being pushed off of my shoulders washed over me as I let out a heavy sigh. I looked up to see Herry staring at me with an amused smile.

"Judging by your expression you're relieved that it's finally over right?" he asked.

I nodded and fell back into one of his chairs and my eyes wondered to the dark wooden grandfather clock standing next to Herry's desk.

It's 12:09 already? I really need to get some sleep.

I yawned and stood up to see Herry putting away the unneeded files away.

"Do you need anything else?" I asked him.

"No, you need your beauty sleep" he answered smiling. "And thank you again"

"Your welcome," I said and yawned again. "Good night" I told him as I walked back to my room.

"Sleep tight and don't let the bed-bugs bite!" he said back at me making me let out a laugh. For a middle-aged man, he still managed to make me laugh with his phrases.

I opened my door to find Miss Parker sitting on one of the chairs next to the closet.

"Miss Joyce" she said standing up.

I just smiled. "Call me Cera, and you don't have to wait for me till twelve in the morning"

She nodded and motioned her hand to my bed.

"This is the dress you'll be wearing later on tonight" she said gently picking it up as my eyes went wide.

It was a beautiful black dress that probably will go to my knees. It was fairly cut out at the chest area, but not that low or wide enough to show anything.

"It's beautiful!" I exclaimed. "Is it a brand?" I asked as I walked over to her and touched it's silky quality.

"Yes, it's Prada." Miss Parker answered as she gently placed it on the chair that she's been sitting before.

"What time will you be here tomor- I mean today?"

"I'll be here at five pm" she answered as she began to walk out of my room, but in the doorway she stopped. "The dinner is starts at six" she added and dissapeared.

I looked at the dress a few more minutes then walked into the bathroom to take an end-of-the-day shower.

After I was clean and refreshed I walked over a phone that was standing on one of the side tables next to my bed. I picked it up and dialed my sister's number.

As it rung I sat on my bed and let out a heavy sigh. I hope I'm not too early... New York is like what, 3 hours ahead?

Finally at the thirtieth ring her low and annoyed voice came on the line.

"What?!" she spat at me through the phone, obviously pissed and confused on who had the guts to call her that early.

"It's me" I answered cooly.

Being A Bodyguard Of A Hollywood Jerk! [Needs Editing & Fixing]Where stories live. Discover now