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Deep breaths, Annora
Deep breaths
Please don't lose yourself
Please stay calm
Please try to stay awake
Don't lose hope

The sweat covered, tear stained girl tried to convinced her inner self.

But it wasn't working. It just wasn't working ! Why wasn't it working? Why was she experiencing this? Out of anywhere, the place she works

Why does her anxiety attack have to come now?

There isn't a warning bell that informs you when it's gonna come, Annora. Her sarcastic self harshly reminded her

Deep breaths

She tried to do so but she just couldn't

In total, she couldn't even breathe.

Suddenly her phone dinged with a message. Not only one but several all at the same time and Annora had a hunch who it might be


That.. That

Why is he texting her?

Why when she ignored him for days now?!

Yes, she has. Yes that makes her a bitch, she's faintly aware.

But she just couldn't get more involved than she already was with him.. In any way possible

He didn't need to know about her. He didn't need to know anything about her.

Her life was far too complicated to get deep inside.

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