Chapter 35

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*Liam's P.O.V.*

I wake to someone cuddled into my stomach. I look down to see Blair fast asleep. I smile and run my hand through her soft hair. She opens her eyes slowly and look up at me with a grin.

"Thank god." She stretches. I smile at her once more and she leans against my bed. "How do you feel, Liam?"

"I feel like someone ate me, regurgitated me, then ate me again, and then pooped me out." I say.

"So like crap?" She asks. I nod and she smiles.

"Where's Harry?" I ask. She frowns and looks at the door.

"He is either outside or at home." She says. "But that doesn't matter now."

"Did Sophia show?" I ask. Blair frowns and leans back in her chair.

"Not that I know of." She says.

"Not that you're not great it's just she's my-" I am cut off.

"I know." She says.

"So you hungry?" I ask.

"Yeah, but not for the food here. How about the food from 'Chic-Fal-A'?" She asks.

"Yeah but I can't leave yet." I say.

"Niall can bring some?" She asks dialing Niall's number.

"Yep." I smile. "Call Sophia for me too?" She frowns and nods humming "All of Me". I find myself humming it in my head to, like it's been there since I woke up.


Blair sits next to me with a pack of cards and a subzero ice cream. We laugh while playing a bit of go fish and 21.

"Go fish." She says. I pull a card from the deck and wait for Blair to take her turn. "Do you have a King of Spades?"

"Go fish." I say. She huffs and pulls a card from the deck. I see her smile go to a frown and she sets the deck beside me on the bed.

"Why did you leave at your own free will?" She quickly covers her mouth.

"What?" I ask.

"Nothing, it was absolutely nothing." She says pulling the cards to her face to cover a blush.

"No really, what?" I persist setting down my cards on the bedside table.

"I just mean, why did you choose to leave me? You had a choice?" She says.

"I had no choice. I tried to stop it, remember? But you told me my career was bigger than anything we had together." I remind her. I see her eyes begin to water and lift her chin up.

"I was so stupid." She says breaking down. She puts her face in her hands and begins to sob. "I think part of the reason I'm so insane now is because I lost part of myself. I am broken down. Nothing is better for me. I am an empty casing of what used to be."

"No you are not." I say rubbing her back. "You are a bright and beautiful girl that should not be sobbing over a loser like me." She begins to cry more.

"You see! That's why I fell for you, Liam! You were this down to earth guy that got me! You were someone I wanted to spend my whole life with! You were the smartest, dorkiest, loser I knew! You were like me!" She says. I turn my head to my lap and fiddle with my shaking hands.

"And now?" I ask.

"You are this one time thing I love still but have no chance at all being with because he is too stupid to see my pain and my love." She says collecting her things. "I'm going now." She stands and goes to leave, dragging her wrist across the bed like a lure. I quickly take the bait and pull her towards me. Our lips collide and her tears stop falling. Our lips move in sync as we kiss eachother. I pull away and look at her deep in the eyes as they begin to flutter open.

"You don't know how long I've been waiting to do that." I say with a smile. She smiles back and barges into my lips. I smile into her as she kisses me. She pulls away and looks at me.

"I love you Liam James Payne, no matter how stupid you can be."

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