Chapter 3: New friend, new encounter, new... hottie?

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I turn around, expecting Travis even though I know that that annoying voice doesn't belong to him.

Ugh, I just used 'that that' in a sentence.

My eyes widened as I saw a guy with the most beautiful eyes. He had hazel green eyes that seemed to be able to see your soul(I'm exaggerating, but ever since I woke up, the only human boy I've encountered and saw was Travis) and his long eyelashes compliment it very well.

I also observed that his tossled brown hair had highlights on it. It looked like a tree on fire.

"Take a picture, babe. It lasts longer. Ah, I just stole Kitian's role." He said with a laugh.

"H-huh..." I stuttered.

"Oh, I get it! You're in Ana side. So, Ana, where you been? You suddenly disappeared in high school, like Xander nearly committed suicide." He said.

My eyes widened. Who's Xander and why would he commit suicide?

Is this some sort of sick joke?!

Dayana! You have amnesia, you weirdo!

"Yeah. I'm exaggerating. But he did finish all our cafeteria food om Friday's. And you know how that usually ends." He said and shuddered.

"I'm sorry, but who are you?"

He froze, then covered it up with a smile, "Did I change that much?"

How would I know?!

"Pardon?" I replied.

"It's me, Austin! You know, firecracker of CREST4?" He offered, expecting a hint of familiarity on my face.

Crest four? What's that? Sounds like some brand for a perfume or something.

"I'm sorry, but I think you got the wrong girl." I told him.

"No way! I'd remember the girl that made commander not only smile, but laugh on their first meeting!" He replied, grinning like a maniac.

"Commander?" I asked, more confused than I was.

"Dayana, c'mon. Not funny now." He said, getting impatient.

Maybe he means another Dayana? Like as in Diana?

"How do you spell Dayana?" I asked him.

"D-A-Y-A-N-A. Dayana." He replied.

I was taken aback. I don't think Dayana spelt like that is common, or even if someone else in this world has the same name as me.

Oh... wait! Right, my amnesia. Maybe- maybe-

Before I could answer, a booming voice yelled, "Austin! Come over here, dude!"

"Oh! There's Kitian! I should call him. Wait right here-"

Before he could even finish, I ran past him and to my room.

When I reached there, I nearly did a victory dance but then I remembered that there were other people in the room.

I looked around, looking for something... Like maybe an empty seat?

Everyone was either sitting on their chair's desk or standing up.

But I saw this one girl actually using a chair properly.

She was at the back, she seemed like the only one who wasn't talking to their friends.

I walked over to her, given she was seated at the back of the classroom.

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