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Aye, drama.

Shut up, lemme finish the lead ships before the main.


Yoongi decided to visit the club after more than a week.

He's currently driving when he dials a number.


"Carrot, sleep early and wake up early tomorrow. I'll pick you up at 8."

"Huh? Yoongi hyung? Why?"

"We're going out."


"Yeah, it's a date."

Yoongi cockily declares, imagining Jimin's blushing face.

The call ended and Yoongi smiles to himself before turning serious and looks at the thing wrapped in cloth on the passenger seat.

He parks his car and walks past the entrance easily. It's 6 PM. Quite early and not so crowded in the bar.

He walks directly to the counter and looks at Minjae.

"Oh, Suga. You're here early."

Minjae greeted with a smile.

"Let's talk."

He says before walking to their usual private room.

Minjae followed and made sure to lock the door, blocking all the noise outside.

Suga sits down and Minjae took the seat in front of him. Suga puts the thing on the table.

"Is this..."

Minjae eyes the clothed thing on the table.

"Hmm. I secured it back. It's the knife you gave me."

Suga watches Minjae smile sadly.

"Does that mean...you already killed him?"

Minjae's tears fall as he unwraps the cloth.

"Sorry. It took time."

Suga stated expressionlessly.

"No. Thank you."

Minjae wipes his tears.

"Don't feel bad. You're not the one who killed him. I did."

Suga tries to comfort him.

"I might feel this way now since he's still my brother. But I don't regret asking you for his life."

Minjae sighs before wrapping the knife again and clutching it.

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