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          Chapter 25; Vacation part 2

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          Chapter 25; Vacation part 2


"Loving the buffet here" Mitch takes a seat before stuffing his face with food.

"But you love me more" Steph looked him in the eye.

Mitch looked at Steph and then at his food.

"Sure honey" Mitch said as Steph looked at him with her mouth wide open.

"Guess who won't be getting anything tonight" Steph sat back and took a sip of her drink.

"Haha" Auston laughed out as Mitch rolled his eyes.

"Wasn't that funny Stacy?" Steph asked Stacy who was completely zoned out.

Stacy was too busy staring at William and Janice dancing on the dance floor.

Laughing and enjoying life, Stacy felt jealous.

"Earth to Stacy" Auston waved his hand in front of her face getting her attention.

"What?" Stacy asked them.

"Why were you staring at William and Janice?" Mitch asked her.

"Sucks to see him be happy with a complete bitch" Stacy said.

"Didn't think you care about him that much" Steph said "You've always said to me that you've hated him"

"This is different, he doesn't deserve this" Stacy said to them making all of them confused.

"Deserve what?" Auston asked. Stacy was about to answer but got interrupted.

"Ugh my feet hurt" Janice sat down across from Stacy and began to rub her foot.

"Here i'll help you babe" William spoke up and began to massage his girlfriends foot.

Janice noticed Stacy staring at them, she let out a little smirk.

"William babe I love you" Janice tells him.

"I love you too baby" William said back.

Stacy looked at the ground before getting up.

"Where are you going?" Steph asked Stacy.

"I'm going on a walk" Stacy mumbled before walking away.

"Hey can you get me some more lobster?" Mitch asked before Steph smacked the back of his head.

"Dude Stacy's been acting weird" Steph told the two idiots.

"Yeah i've noticed that" Auston adds in "She's usually all happy and free but lately she's been quiet and shy. It's like she's keeping something from us"

"I'm going to go talk to her" Steph got up and followed Stacy.

Steph found her hanging by the pool.

"Hey girlie" Steph said taking a seat next to her.

"Hey" Stacy didn't even make eye contact with Steph.

"Stacy something is bothering you and I know it so don't try and deny anything" Steph told her.

"Have you ever felt broken in the inside? Have you ever felt like you are not loved by anyone? Have you ever felt pain because the person you love doesn't love you back??" Stacy asked Steph.

"Stacy what are you talking about?"

"Steph i've been holding this in for a very long time" Stacy started.

"Tell me" Steph begged her.

"Steph I still love him and nothing is ever going to change that. I'm in love with William Nylander"

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