Although I've never understood the concept of being a 'special student's and I've never needed to I usually get an A in his classes. I'm a good student and I follow his rules. Heck, even the dumb jocks know not to cross him.

         I open the door and slowly enter the classroom only to see Mr. Cooper sitting on his desk looking more intimidating than ever. When I walked in he first glanced me over before his lips broke into A SMIRK?! Oh hell no! I'm dead. He then motions for me to sit on a chair near his table. I slowly sit down, still trying to calm down my wild nerves and the crazy pounding of my heartbeat.

      "Miss. Morningstar," he says acknowledging me.

     "Mr. Cooper," I reply copying the head nod he did moments ago, trying as though to acknowledge him too.

He then smiles, amusement dancing in his eyes. "Good morning," he greets.

     "uh, morning," I reply looking past his eyes.

      "You must be wondering why I asked you here today." he says crossing his arms. "Well I called you here to inform you; every term I give a reward to my best student star student to be precise. The student who has pleased me most, and this year my star student is... Would you like to guess?" he asks me and I shake my head profusely.

      "Okay. You're no fun," he says and pouts  little.

       Swoon. You know I can actually see why women are interested in him, I mean if he weren't a teacher and I was older and very desperate I'd actually go for him.

       "What?" he asks.

Shit! He heard me. Was I talking out loud? Stupid! Stupid! Stupid!

       "Why were you staring at me like that?" he asks.

Oh thank God he didn't hear me.
           "Okay... Now Miss. Morningstar, as my star student for the term, you'll have to prove yourself worthy of this title." He continues when I don't reply. "Your Saturday mornings for this month would be devoted to helping me around the classroom. Cleaning, organizing and other things under the title of class teaching assistant."

         Wow. That's really cool actually but did he just say Saturdays. Oh no! Tristan is going to bite my head off. What is it with adults today, stealing my nights and mornings.

        "Is there anything wrong?" he asks.

        "No, sir," I reply. "But couldn't it be any other day apart from Saturdays... Please?

       "Well... No," Everything's A-okay," I say. "Well thank you sir" I add.

        •      •      •      •      •       •      •

            "And that's all he said?" Triste asks and I nod, "well, I don't trust him, especially with my girl. He even took Saturday mornings away from us. Be careful, okay?" He adds.

"Yeah, Bubba. It's fine."

I smile and shake my head. Tristy can be such a baby at times.

"I will."

I hear a familiar soundtrack playing then Tristan gets on one knee. Everyone stops and stares, oh I'm so going to murder this boy. What is he doing? We're in the school parking lot. He knows this will attract attention. He begins to sing a song I love so much "Helplessly"

      "it's not that easy with you here,
        But I know I want you to stay
        Say, this could be us in a few          Years...

I try stop him by asking "what are you doing?" but he seemed really unfazed by my question and continues. He stretches his hands outwards when he gets to the chorus. Oh. God. No!
        "Say u distract me,but I'm distracted without you. I don't know how to focus baby teach me how to...

I lovingly mouth the words "I'll kill you" to him as a crowd of people gather us. Oh cratz!

          " you're not helping  me
           But I fall helplessly for u...

When he finishes the song. I thought this nightmare is finally over, but I thought wrong because he proceeded to say a heartwarming speech.

"We've been friends for basically forever and this is something I've felt for a very long time. Been giving you signs but you're very oblivious to it. You mistake my gestures of love for jokes, but I know you feel the same. Aria, I love you with every being in me. I wake up every morning thinking about you. My love for you is like the sky, it'll go on forever. It's like gravity, because it lifts me up and makes me feel like I'm soaring and the feeling of knowing I have you is like a solid ground I fall back to. I might crash and fall but you're always here to lift me up. Only you make me feel this way. You've seen me at my best you've been with me through my worst, and j just need assurance that I'll wake up to you each day. Make me the happiest guy on earth. Will you marry me?!"

He asks as he reaches his back pocket and removes a black case. For a second I was lost in his words and didn't notice him doing this.

        "A hundred and five is the number that comes to my head when I think of all the years I wanna be with you.

         Wake up every morning with you in my bed that's precisely what I plan to do.
          And you know one of these days when I get my money right buy you
everything and show you all the finer things in life.

          We'll forever be in love there ain't be no need to rush and one day I would be able to ask you loud enough."

        What is this idiot doing? He's making a scene, people are staring. Oh God please kill me now. I close my eyes and pray; In the name of Jesus ground I command you to open up and swallow me...  Pretty please? I peek from one eye to check if I've magically teleported...  Nope! Still in this nightmare.

        "Will... You... Marry... Me?"

he stops singing and looks at me hopefully. Tristan why?! Why you gotta be so weird all the time? I look around to see the crowd watching wide eyed. Some look at me expectantly while the others look like they're about to cry due to this sham of affectionate 'love'. Oh what do I do now?

          "Tristan... We're in high school"

He then gets up on his feet clearly ignoring my words, pulls me in for a bear hug and yells to the crowd.                 

      "She said yes!" they all applaud ecstatically. 'I hate people.'

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What's your favourite thing to do?
I love to sing. My older sister always says I sound like a dying frog but I don't let that get me down. I just keep singing my heart out. Then I get mad when my little sis joins in 🙄  I can't even have singing to myself. Anyways. Would love to hear back from you guys.

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