They are the sweetest I swear.
Now my first on my to-do list is to tell eomma that I have a boyfriend. But it's so sudden I wonder what would be her reaction.

Will she get mad?
Would she accept it?
What about appa?
He's more strict when it comes to this stuff.
What happens if they make me break up with him if they don't approve?

My mind is flooded with questions.
And it makes me worry.
I came back at Jungkook and he was sleeping soundly on the bed.
I tapped his shoulders gently and tried to wake him up.
he wouldn't wake up
I had a sudden idea that would wake him up.
I tackled him and yelled.

" WAKE UP SLEEPY HEAD!" I said still tackling him

" okay okay I'm awake" he said in a sleepy tone.

I was still tackling him cause it was too fun until he got a hold of me and pinned me down the bed. He's now hovering above me. I gulped loudly.

"Hm tackling me hey? I shall now punish you"he said in a low charming voice.

I suddenly burst out of laughter when he tickled me.

"S-stop ahahhaha. Seriously I'm ticklish" I kept laughing

But as I said that he tickled me even more and I swear my stomach started to hurt from laughing so much.
He finally stop when I accidentally hit his stomach with my foot.

"Ow! Ok I'll stop." He said laughing while saying the words.

" my stomach hurts from laughing" I said while laughing.

" we need to eomma and appa" I said changing my face expression and looking down playing with my hands.

"Hm? Why do you look sad?" He said pulling my chin up.

" what if they don't approve?"I said with a worried tone

" then I will prove that I'm right for you" he said hugging me

I told Tae and Tzuyu that we'd be saying it together. At the same time.

We headed next door where our parents stayed.We were still in our pj's which was really funny. Cause who does this with pj's?

Eomma gladly welcomed us in and we sat down on the couch.

I called eomma over to us
And my heart starters to beat fast
i'm scared
Jungkook hugged me saying it's gonna be okay.
He gave me courage.

You: "eomma, me and Tae has something to tell you.

Eomma:I'm listening go ahead.

You: 1..2..3..

"WE'RE TOGETHER"we all said in unison

eomma stares at us confused.
and now since we said it i'm confused too.
it sounded right in my head but now it sounded like it didn't make sense.

"um what? i'm confused" says my mother

"Tae you first"
"what why me?"
"your the oldest"
"just tell her"
"you tell her"
" you first "
"oml just tell her Tae"

we answered alternating.

i swear this is stupid but like it's what siblings do

eomma: "Tae go first"

Tae: -deep breath- "I have a girlfriend."


eomma: well who is this lucky girl?

Tae: she's right here.

eomma: Tzuyu? aweeee adorable!!!! so cuteeeee ah Hazeyo come here.

my dad came quickly and he doesnt know what's going on.

appa: what happened. why were you screaming?

Eomma: Tae has a girlfriend!!!!!!

appa: what?! really?! wow son who is this lucky girl?!

Tae: Tzuyu.

Appa: well well. my dear Tzuyu take care of him okay? Tae take care of her.

eomma: wait stay more y/n has something to say too.

now my heart was racing. since appa is here i'm really stressed.
i'm gonna struggle.

"Appa.... Eomma..... i-i-i"

i can't seem to say it

"you can do it i'll help you" Jungkook whispered

"i have a boyfriend..."

eomma: well guess who got a lover before it's older brother. well here it goes again. OMLLLLL Y/N WHO IS IT. IM FANGIRLING BABY WHO IS IT WHO IS THIS LUCKY MAN?

appa stayed quiet which makes me worry.

" it's me and yes you said it i'm such a lucky man. i'm so happy she said yes to me even though it's sudden. untie and uncle i really love your daughter and i hope you will accept me." Jungkook said like a gentleman

i'm ded inside
he is so respectful
like how?!?!
is he even human?XD

Appa: will you take care of her? will you love her forever? will you never break her heart?

Jungkook: never and i promise you that.

eomma: i'm cryinggggg Jungkook your so sweet!!!!! haish i'm so happy.

i'm so surprised
i didn't know mom is such a fangirl
and appa i would never know he would act chill about it.

you: "do you approve?"

appa and eomma looked at each other. and nodded

"we approve for the both of you" they said in unison.

i'm in shock and i'm so happy.
suddenly Jungkook kissed my forehead he looked so happy.

Jungkook: Gamsahamnida auntie! -bunnysmile-

eomma: what a smile. y/n your lucky you have a cute boyfriend and such a caring one too.

appa glared at her
i laughed from his actions.

" well why are you still here . you all are making me cry i'm so proud." says my mom.

"haha go before i change my mine have fun" said my appa

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