Chapter 11

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I stared with awe at the beautiful antique looking compass, I'm guessing I have thing for antique like my father as well. But its truly pretty price of art. Its needle has a tiny gem on its tip that seems to change colors probably due to the lighting and its inner base has a mirrored surface with tiny golden wire curled against it to form a swirly pattern. The same pattern is also carved on the outside but its pretty rusty. The water filled in the compass is crystal clear and blue-ish in color. Seeing the needle spin gradually in the pretty water almost hypnotized me to stare at it forever.
"I wonder how it works," I thought out loud, I actually did sound like a mesmerized zombie as I stared at it.
Suddenly, in a swift move, Jungkook jumped up from his seat, stepped forward and snatched the compass right out of my hand. I was taken aback and even slightly startled out of my trance as he took the compass and carefully observed its details from the bottom to the top. "I'm not sure if it will be too simple to use so let me figure it out first."
"But I thought it would just point in the direction where we want to go."
"You really think it'll be that simple?" He snapped. There was slight rudeness in his voice that I tried to ignore. "Besides we still don't know what our exact destination is yet, what good is a compass if we don't even know whether our destination is towards south or north. You understand." I felt scolded so I just lowered my head obediently and nodded. He noticed my reaction and took a deep breath to calm himself and then softly added while putting the chain of the compass around his neck, "I'm just asking you to trust me to figure this out together okay. Didn't I promise to take you back home. Cause I promise I will. I'm doing it all to help you."
As genuine as his words sounded, I don't know why at the back of my mind I have the feeling he means the opposite but I pushed that thought away and chose to trust him. "Fine then, find out where I have to go and work the compass towards it," I state sternly though avoiding eye contact, I still need time to get used to him.
He obediently sat back by the books and started to carefully search for something, I did the same as well. After some time of hopeless scrolling through books Jungkook whined, "I'm tired, this is useless and I'm hungry. Let's take a lunch break and comeback here later."
As much as I wanted to refuse my stomach was also empty and my mind had gone numb. I really wasn't enjoying this either so I closed my book and nodded with a sigh without looking up at him. Then as we stood up to leave the stuffy dusty library an idea popped into my head. "I know, let's test the compass!" I said suddenly turning to face him excitedly while he had a taken aback, almost startled and shook expression on his face. My heart skipped a beat, he's just so adorable!
"Let's see if the compass really works by trying to see if it can help us find a good place to eat and see what happens." I say excitedly.
"Oh...yeah...okay," he replied hesitantly which made me suspicious at first but I again shook the feeling away.
We walked outside into daylight and I was taken aback to see how beautiful the weather was all of a sudden. It was cloudy and windy and the air smelt of drizzling. Perhaps it had rained a little while we were inside. I really loved the weather after a rainfall. The air becomes so cool, moist and fresh. The scent of wet soil and greenery form the perfect natural odor. Most of all, the soft white clouds rapidly shifting through the blue skies, it all felt perfect. I got a boost of positive energy from the weather and I almost hopped into Jungkook as he pulled the compass forward and tried to work it.
Me hopping closer towards him startled him and he almost got flustered but he immediately went back to observing the details of the compass carefully and fidgeting with it. Even I was taken aback and embarrassed by my own action but I ignored and leaned towards the compass in his hands. "I wonder what would make it work? Should it have some dials or buttons to function it..."
"Maybe its just totally magical and it'll simply listen to what we say or think," I said as I stared at the unstable needle that seemed a lot like that of a broken malfunctioning compass. But suddenly my eyes wandered off to stare at Jungkook's hands...omg his veins, my eyes following the wains up his arms but unfortunately he was wearing lose full sleeved clothes. I only saw a little bit of his arm over his wrist and even that and his hands were attractive enough for me to stare at them more than at the dazzling compass.
Suddenly Jungkook chuckled making me look up at him in confusion. Even though his eyes were still on the compass his smirk suggested he noticed my weird behavior or He Read My Mind!!! My face heated up rapidly as I stared at his hottie expression and tried to act innocent as if I did or knew nothing. "I can totally feel it if you think about me with intense emotions," he stated without looking at me. Then purposely to tease me, with a fully obvious mischievous grin, he rolled up both his sleeves revealing his fair, vainy muscular arms that I nearly started drooling at the sight of but I ignored it. "Okay maybe you're right, this might just work if we think carefully about our destination," he said as he acted like he didn't do anything totally deadly for me and focused his gaze on the needle of the compass. "Oh look it worked, the needle is stable now. Let's follow it and see where it leads us," he said as he began striding in the direction of the needle. I nervously followed him doing my best to think of something else but him and trying my bet to look anywhere but at that irresistible attractive young man that walked ahead of me.

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