"If Camila said she wanted to try again, would you try again?" I looked at Kiara like she was absurd.

"Of course not," I scoffed.

"But you still love her?" I have confused her.

"I still love her, but there's this part in me that wants to forget her, that wants to hate her and I couldn't be with her if only half of my heart was in it," I answered using these weird hand gestures and quoting John Mayer.

"And plus, there's a reason why she's an ex, it's best if it stays that way," I huffed and gripped the wheel a bit tighter.

I heard Kiara sigh in what sounded like disappointment, but I let it slide because I didn't want to start an argument with her.

We finally reached my house and grabbed the groceries from the boot. We headed inside to see my house filled with family and friends, my mum was hosting a small Christmas party.

"Ahh, there's my girl,"

I looked up from the bags to see Wendall coming over towards us, he pulled his girlfriend Kiara in a hug and kissed her passionately. I looked at them and felt bittersweet, they're cute together and suit each other, I'm glad Wendall is taking this relationship serious. On the other hand, they remind me of when Camila and I were a thing which is an extremely painful thing to remember.

"Mate, you took forever at the shops, I swear all you had to do was buy condensed milk and an extra bag of rice," Calum walked up behind in his Liverpool jersey. What a big shot soccer guy.

"My mama kept messaging us to get extra things," I nonchalantly said while putting away some stuff.

"Holy shit, you'll never know who just arrived," Michael came in running.

"Pfft who? Camila?" I scoffed sarcastically while putting the milk in the fridge.

I turned around to see a sheepish smile on Michael's face.


"You are not going to believe who just got here!" Luke almost knocked down Michael from running in whilst cutting me off.

"I already-" I was rudely cut off again.

"Y/N! Y/N! Dude, you would not believe who is here tonight!" Dinah ran straight pass the boys to get to me and grabbed my shoulders, then she shook me.

Behind Dinah I could see that Camila was talking to Normani, Lauren, Ally and Calum. Did Calum just really ditch me for my ex?

"I need to leave," I muttered feeling everything around and inside me freeze.

"No you don't-"

"Yeah, I kinda fucking do," I cut Kiara off and grabbed a water bottle before quickly escaping into my back yard.

I plopped down on a chair and sat there dejectedly.

It definitely took a massive toll on me when she broke things off, my dreams for my future were broken, I didn't want to work so hard for my music because Camila was the biggest muse I ever had, I just didn't want to associate myself with anything that reminded me off her.

Socially Awkward (Camila/You) AuWhere stories live. Discover now