I Want To Know You - Rey

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Poe Dameron. I smile to myself. How nice, almost heroic even, of him to come in like that, making Armitage Hux look like a fool. It's not like I can't defend myself, physically anyway. Not to be dramatic, but if it had come to it I'm sure I could've dropped Hux faster than you can say "Obi-Wan." I don't, however, have a lot of practise defending myself with words. Hux made me feel extremely uncomfortable; because of this, I'm grateful Poe was there.

He's handsome too. I stop that thought. Even I know it's highly inappropriate to think that way about a teacher, even if he looks fresh out of college and closer to my age. Innocently though, I'm not wrong.

I continue to walk down the hallway as the bell rings. I have a spare, so I'm not worried about being late. I glance at the locker numbers to my left. The numbers are all in the 400s. I continue to walk, thoughts of Mr Poe swimming in my head.

His hair is dark, cut short but not too short. His skin looks tanned, though I can't quite place his ethnicity. I hadn't exactly been paying attention to it either, though. He has a light stubble on his cheeks, that I noticed. There is something about it I like.

Just to clarify: I am not attracted to Mr Poe. I just find him handsome, that's all. I turn the corner.

I follow the locker numbers down to 200, then 195, 180, all the way down to 139, my locker. I step back and look at it. My locker. I smile to myself. It's a silly little thing to be excited about, but I can't help it. I've never had one before. I unlock it put my backpack inside as my stomach growls.

"Time for lunch." I say aloud. I wonder what Finn is doing? As if on cue, I feel my phone vibrate.

<unknown> Hey, it's Finn.

<Rey> Hey! Whatcha up to right now? Wanna get something to eat?

I save his number to my phone.

<Finn> I was just about to ask you the same thing. Meet at the cafeteria?

<Rey> Alright :)

I slip my phone into my back pocket and head toward the meeting place. The halls become busier as I near it, the chatter of students becoming louder and louder. The cafeteria is huge, with tons of now-filled tables, vending machines, and a place you can buy food cooked by staff at the school. I don't see Finn, so I grab a trey and get in the lunch line.

While I'm waiting to receive the lunch of the day, my gaze turns to the baskets of various packaged snacks and fruit next to me. I reach for an apple– just as somebody else does too. Our fingers touch for a brief second as his hand clasps around the fruit before mine. I look up at him, only to be met with a piercing glare. The raven-haired boy quickly snatches the apple and walks away without giving me a second look. I can't help but notice how similarly he is dressed to Hux. I frown.

Aren't you supposed to pay for those?

"Alright missy, move along, you're holding up the line," one of the lunch ladies says to me. She proceeds to tell me the day's special, the stereotypical meatloaf with a vegetable side, and I end up leaving with a turkey sandwich instead. Paid-for food in hand, I scan the room again for Finn.

"Looking for someone?"

I jump, spinning around with my arm up, ready to defend myself if needed. Finn laughs and I let out a breath I hadn't realized I'd been holding before punching him in the shoulder.

"That was not nice." I say, "I thought you were– someone else." He's still laughing, rubbing the spot I punched.

"You have a good arm." He says before pausing. "Wait, who'd you think I was?"

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