Convo #1

15 0 0

This was my convo (Rocel)

: Hey

Stranger: Nash is an ass hole with fans. Tell him to go to hell.

You: No. I would never do that. And you have the wrong view of him. He is the nicest person so far. He doesnt deserve to go hell. He doesnt deserve to go to heaven, he deserves more than heaven.

You: What did he ever do to you?

Stranger: He doesn't want a girl with peach fuzz, and everyone has that. He only likes brunettes and if you don't play volley ball then your just dead to him. Fucking high standard prick.

You: He prefers it and he doesnt necessarily mean that. He PREFERS BRUNNETES WHO PLAY VOLLEYBALL. But im sure he would date both. Well its good he has high standards because he doesnt need his heart broken by some stupid bitch

Stranger: Well that stupid bitch has to be hairless, play volleyball, and be a brunette. He's just another guy and he doesn't deserve the fans that he has all de does is get on vine and youtube and make the stupidest ass shit I've ever seen.

Stranger Disconnected


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