Chapter 6

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********************New York City********************

We stepped off the plane and into the busy JFK airport terminal and I was shocked to see that although there were a lot of people, the area in which we had come from was relatively deserted. It made sense considering it was a private loading area, but still I would have expected to see a lot more people. Once we made it out to the sidewalk, however, the hustle and bustle of the city made its appearance and I instantly knew why I hated it so much the last time I was here.

Keyan had his fingers intertwined pleasantly with mine and I knew he wasn’t going to let me go. I liked that and I leaned my head on his shoulder as he was speaking to the gentleman who appeared to be the limousine driver.

I looked around and from the right, another limousine pulled up to the curb just as Keyan gently tugged me toward the car. A tall, beautiful black-haired girl stepped out and her long straight hair blew smoothly in the breeze. I realized that I was slightly jealous at her amazing features and how beautiful she really was. She seemed to be flawless. She was definitely model material, and I thought maybe she seemed slightly familiar. It was quite possible she was one. I shrugged as she walked past us into the airport doors, but her eyes lingered a little longer on Keyan, who really hadn’t paid any attention at all. It wasn’t like it was that unusual. Keyan was very attractive and I figured most of the people in this city knew who he was, so it didn’t really seem that out of the ordinary especially since he really hadn’t noticed.

Keyan turned to me suddenly snapping me out of my silent thoughts and smiled down at me. “What were you deep in thought about sweetheart?”

“Oh nothing. I was just wondering if you always get the attention of the most beautiful girls here in New York City.”

“I don’t want their attention, Chelsea. I only want yours.” He pulled my hand towards the limo and helped me into the car. It was lavished with a drink bar and extremely customized seats that were fit for royalty. It didn’t seem like something that was Keyan’s idea, but he didn’t seem to mind the perks either because he wasted no time in pouring some scotch into a glass and relaxed against the seat with his arm around me. About 15 minutes later we pulled in front of a building that was beautiful on the outside and made me imagine how beautiful it must be on the inside. Keyan turned to me with an apologetic smile before he said, “I am so sorry sweetheart, but my father flew in last night and he requested that I stop at the office first before heading home. I really hope you don’t mind.”

I shook my head. “Of course I don’t, Keyan. You are technically off your semi-vacation and I would hate myself if I were responsible for keeping you from your work. Please go and don’t think twice about it.”

“Okay, but please come inside. I think you would be more comfortable waiting for me there.”

I nodded my head and followed him out of the car. Once we stepped inside from the revolving doors in front, I was met with just as much if not more beauty than was on the outside of the building. The extravagance of the building was breathtaking and it made me feel more than slightly out of place. I knew I was gawking and I silently scolded myself and forced my jaw shut just as I heard a pleasant female voice just ahead of us.

“Hello Mr. Cliffton. Glad to see you made it safely back from your trip. Who do we have here?” She was smiling and I could tell it was genuine. She appeared to be probably in her mid-30s and she was very beautiful.

“Thank you Jenny. This is Chelsea. She is a friend for now, but I would definitely be interested in making her much more than that soon.” He turned to me. “Sweetheart, this is Jenny. She is by far the best secretary my father has hired yet and I will definitely make sure she sticks around after I take control of the company.”

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