I'm Sorry (KiKuro)

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  "I'm sorry Kurokocchi."

Seirin and the GoM stood outside Kuroko's Hospital room, each teammate waiting for their turn to visit him.

The boy was asleep thankfully. It helped suppress their guilt, not having to fully address him. They all had something they wanted to say to him but were too embarrassed to actually put it into words.

Everyone besides Kise, who was in the room at the moment, talking to Kuroko despite not receiving replies. However it seemed he did not care whether the boy answered or not.

"I'm sorry I left you when I knew you needed me."

They all listened closely, each word striking a nerve in their own heart.

"I'm sorry I abandoned you after I promised I wouldn't."

Guilt weighed heavy on all of them as kise wasn't the only one to abandon Kuroko.

"I'm sorry I pushed you away."

Looks of anguish were exchanged and tears began to form.

"I'm sorry I stood by while you dealt with all this."

The tears began to fall

"I'm sorry I made you cry."

Sobs were choked back

"I'm sorry I wasn't there to wipe the tears away."

Everyone themselves were now weeping. Teams that were once rivals hugged eachother for comfort and consolation.

"I'm sorry I yelled at you. I'm sorry I lied to you. I'm sorry I hurt you."

Kise was now sobbing by Kuroko's bed begging that he would wake up. That he would be okay. That they could go to Maji Burger and watch Movies at home like they usually did.

"I'm sorry I told you I would always be there. That I would catch you when you fell. I'm sorry I let you hit the ground and didn't help you back up."

Kise plead and apologised endlessly. Lamenting for what seemed like years until Midorima told him that he and the others would like to see Kuroko as well before visiting hours were over.

Just as Kise began to leave, he heard a small, weak, and fragile voice.

"It's okay Kise-kun. Please don't cry."

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