Happy Party Time and 2K Love ImmortalFox

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So first off I just want to thank you guys for rising this fella up to 2K! It makes me happy to think that it means something to read my ridiculousness. Also guys don't forget if you really wanna see something for this fandom a certain way, ex: Fem, unrealistic problems, ships idk what ever your into Pm me and I will try to make it happen here for you guys! Also In thanks for all of the new reads.....

Everyone who comments on this specific chapter will get a little thing here with them in it! That sounds fun right?  So After this is posted the offer will stand all day and the chapters will be posted next Creature week! Oh and the difference between this offer and you being in a chapter when you request it is that this is more guaranteed to happen sooner...so come on it doesn't even have to be meaningful just comment and i'll contact you about your chapter!

Sly's POV:

"Guys look we've become one of the front page suggestions!" I cry in excitement. This is so cool I can't believe this! James and Aleks walk over, their eyes soon lighting up in excitement.  

"Wow.." James comments in shock. We have to do something about this! It's such a huge milestone..

"Come on let's go to a bar!"  I say grabbing Aleks' hand and running out of my office room.  

"Sly slow down!" James calls making me slow to a walk. "Are you sure that's a good idea what with Mr.Drunk here?" James asks referring to Aleks, and the ongoing joke.  

"Oh fuck off we all know it's not true! "  Aleks complained.

Soon I find us making our way into the bar. We take a seat at a table.  

(A few hours of celebrations later .3.)

James' POV:

I laughed quietly at the two.  Aleks, though he said he wasn't the big drinker, had gone and gotten drunk off the walls and was now talking gibberish to Sly. Sly and I had only had a drink or two.  It was a lot of fun to watch Aleks when he was drunk.  He did the weirdest things...

"To getting on the front page!" Sly cheers we clink glasses, but Aleks didn't no instead he put a hand on either side of Sly's face and pulled him in for a small kiss.  Aleks sat there smiling for a second.  

"Sly...I think Aleks likes you....don't tell him I told you" Aleks all but whispers before letting out a rare giggle.  He then laid his head on the table leaving the two of us in this weird predicament.  

"Uhh.." I start but I close my mouth unsure of what to say.  Sly laughs and shrugs a bit. 

"I think it's cute, we should get him drunk more often...." Sly comments 

YAyyyyy don't forget the thank you gift! V C S~K

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