Training Day

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*Marks POV*
We all had a day off so we all went to the pool. Kookie said that he was going to break up with Lilly but he chickened out.

So we still have her but she was busy so she couldn't join us today thank goodness.

We mainly came to our private pool so the girls can practice swimming.

Alaina got in on the steps with Destiny. They just sat there and looked at their tails. Carlee soon joined them and they looked at each other they all whispered something and then looked at us.

They couldn't swim in the shallow end because their tails were to long. So Me,  Yugyeom,  and Luhan had to carry them to the deeper part.

V was right beside Carlee to help her if needed. Kookie was at the other end for Alaina to swim to. Suga was right beside Destiny so he could guide her along the way.

*Vs POV*
It was weird to see the girls in tails. They needed to learn how to swim. We all piched in to help. A lot of us were to help them out because their tails weigh a ton.

They started to head into the pool, they made their way to the middle of the pool. They were ready to swim to the other side.

*Sugas POV*
The first one to take off was Destiny she stood under water for a while. She needed to figure out her tail but then she got use to ir and started to swim.

She made it to the other side very fast then she started to swim around the whole pool. She glided across the water.

*Jungkooks POV*
Alaina went under next, she got the hang of it and started to swim. The more she got use to it the faster she got.

Her and Destiny caught up to each other and they smiled. Then they made there way to Carlee.

*Jackson's POV*
Watching those two swim was like living in a wonder land. It was so cool how the looked. Carlee was hesitating to go under water and swim with the others.

They made their way to her and took her from Yugyeom. They grabbed her hands and went under. They were under there for 3 minutes, they were showing Carlee how to swim.

*Yugyeoms POV*
The girls we're under there for a while I started to worry. But they were just helping Carlee.

They grabbed her hands and started to swim. Once she got the hang of it they let go. She started go swim on her own. It was amazing to see them like this.

*Carlees POV*
Out of all of this, I cant believe that this is happening. I was scared to swim but now I am having a blast. The girls showed me what to do.

I got the hang of if and started to swim on my own. The water looked so clear. It was un real.

*Luhans POV*
Once Carlee was swimming on her own Alaina and Destiny cam back.
They whatched as Carlee swam around the pool.

Then Destiny grabbed my hand. She started to swim and I followed. It was weird how fast we were going. I felt the water rush past me like it was air.

*Marks POV*
Alaina grabbed my hand and smiled at me. She took off swimming with me behind her. It was crazy how fast we we're going. It was like if I was on my bike.

We came to a sudden a stop I came up for air, but Alaina stood under water for some reason. I looked over at kookie he looked petrified.

*Yugyeoms POV*
Carlee came over time me and smiled. I hugged her and told her she did an amazing job.

She then looked at the others, she looked to where they were starting and she went under water and to the side of the pool. I noticed that Alaina and Destiny were also there.

I then turn to see Lilly heading our way. Mark, Luhan, Kookie, V, Suga, and I rush to the side of the pool.

I see that my hand was holding Carlees hand. I also see that Mark was holding Alainas. Same with Luhan but with Destiny.

She goes to Kookie who jumped out so she wouldn't see the girls. I just hope she leaves soon. I don't know how long they can hold their breath for.

*Kookies POV*
I jump out of the pool so that Lilly won't see the girls in tails. She says that she wants to go out. I then told her that I am dumping her.

She looked mad at first but then she started to yell. I told her that she needs to leave before I call security. I only saw that because Mark looked at me with a concerning face.

I think the girls we're almost out of breath. She left in a hurry, I saw tears in her eyes. I did love her but she was to cruel.

*Marks POV*
Lilly started to yell on the top of her lungs. It was scary to hear her so loud. But then my hand started to hurt.

Alaina was running out of air. I look at Luhan and Yugyeom and they also knew that they all were running out of air.

I look at Kookie who saw me and her told her to leave or he will call security. Luckily she left,  I pull Alaina out of the water and all you heard were gasp coming from all three of them.

They caught their breaths and looked at everyone. They then looked at their tails. They then jumped into the pool. Alaina went to once side of the pool, Destiny went to the other end then Carlee went to the other side.

They look sad or worried even. They didn't look like them selves that were just having fun.

Hi everyone hope you enjoy this chapter. I am open to any suggestion if you have any.

I Thought I Meant Something (Bts, Got7 FF)(Book 2 Of Attacked)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora