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STORMS MUST ARISE BEFORE rainbows can paint the skies

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STORMS MUST ARISE BEFORE rainbows can paint the skies. Lorelai Swan wasn't sure about many things, but she was convinced that rainbows were not the symbol of happiness.

Sure, they were colorful, iridescent. Sometimes if light reflected off of some glass in a certain way, the stripes of a rainbow would emerge along walls, puddles, and the rest of the world. Some liked to believe that at the end of a rainbow, a pot of gold and magical entities could be found.

However, Lorelai Swan despised rainbows and every little thing they seemed to "symbolize", for the way she saw it, rainbows merely masked the slowly fading thunderclouds with their sparkles and colors. They distracted from the bad, bad things life had to offer.

"Pick up your tits, Bella! Let's go!" shouted Lorelai, huffing and puffing. She dragged her body forward, despite how exhausted it was, as she and Bella hiked up a steep hill. The latter seemed to be following shortly behind.

"Next time, I'll just pull up a pic of the sky on Google and turn off the lights in the house," grumbled Bella, digging the heels of her dirty converse into the ground. "It's the same thing!"

"Is not!" bickered Lorelai. "The view is best at the top! Come on!" She snickered at the sound of Bella groaning unhappily.

Sometimes, the glamour of rainbows was just enough to numb the pain. Bella Swan was Lorelai's rainbow.

Shaking her head, Lorelai uncontrollably laughed as she sat beside her sister moments later at the top of the hill. "Are you fucking with me, Bella?" she demanded in amusement. "Okay, say Dad lets you get a butterfly tattoo. I still wouldn't approve!"

Making a face, Bella demanded, "What! Why?"

"That's lame as hell!" she continued to tease. "I'd rather see you get a... oh, I don't know... a chain-smoking bunny on your ribcage or something. Now, that is what I call a conversation starter."

Bella sat with her legs crisscrossed, whereas Lorelai's body was sprawled outward, her hands embedded in the dirt and grass. A low chattering from woodland creatures filled their ears, the sound gradually fading into nothing as they fell asleep. However, as they entered their regularly scheduled slumber, the nighttime creatures awakened. Nature was always exploding with life. You were never truly alone in the outdoors.

Regardless, Lorelai had always felt a sense of peace when submerged in nature. It never judged, no matter what. When living in a place like Forks or her home felt too constricting, Lorelai would wander into the forest for a breath of fresh air.

Living in a small town was as delightful as people made it out to be. It wasn't just boring, but it was tough. Everyone knew just about everyone's business. It was impossible to possess even a little bit of privacy in small towns. Just imagine being an Anorexic college dropout in a small town like Forks.

"Do you think Dad's gonna kick you out?"

Although the question was abrupt and unexpected, Lorelai was composed in a sense. She simply looked out at the stars and shrugged. "You mean like Mom did?" she clarified.

Bella opened her mouth, always being the one to go to Reneé's defense. Lorelai was quick to continue. She shook her head and went on, "No, I don't think he will. He'll probably... I dunno, drag me to another treatment that Carlisle recommended. Maybe the one up in Seattle or something. Hopefully, no more in-patient—"

"I don't get it," Bella admitted, eyebrows furrowed together. "Just... eat."

"I eat," instantly snapped Lorelai, locking her gaze on Bella. Then, she released a quiet huff of air. "...Theoretically."

Bella sent her older sister a pointed look, brown eyes glossy with concern. "Lor..."

Lorelai locked her eyes with Bella. "B, I've got it under control," Lorelai attempted to convince, her voice assuring and mesmerizing. "Nothing bad's gonna happen."

A short silence expanded between them. Bella looked out ahead of them once more. They looked over the horizon, the trees just barely leaving small gaps open to reveal the sparkling stars. "How many people do you think are there on this planet?" she wondered. "Like, what, a few billion? I bet a bunch of them who are about to die just said the same thing."

Lorelai pressed her lips into a fine line. She knew Bella meant well, but she despised how she didn't understand how Lorelai felt. Since she was a pre-teen, she didn't feel good about herself. Sure, maybe on the outside with witty and snarky comments to protect her, she seemed to be doing fine most days. However, to say Lorelai felt horrible about herself was a major understatement.

Her ears perked up as Bella yawned for what was probably the seventh time that evening. "Maybe you should head home," suggested Lorelai. "I think I'll just hang back here for a little while longer. And don't even bother arguing because my Bullshit Meter turned off hours ago."

Through a yawn, Bella asked with somewhat inaudible words, "Are you sure? How are you supposed to get home?"

"You'll never believe it because it's this crazy new thing, but..." Lorelai paused for dramatic effect. "I'll walk."

Bella just rolled her eyes and gathered herself before walking back toward the truck. Lorelai was worried that her sister would fall asleep at the wheel, given her weary condition. Then again, Lorelai was sure Bella would be okay.

Reticence shrouded the world around Lorelai, excluding the chirping crickets around her. The warm air blanketed her body as she leaned back on her hands, eyes shut. Tranquility greeted the teenager. It was a feeling that came and went as it pleased, but was nonetheless appreciated whenever it arrived.

When Lorelai heard a twig snap not too far away, her entire body tensed with shock. It was as if she could sense that something dangerous was near. Maybe an animal? A serial killer? Lorelai wasn't sure, but being out at this hour was making Lorelai a little too paranoid for comfort.

Whatever it was, the following crunching of leaves beneath some being's weight caused curiosity to erupt from within Lorelai.

Slowly, Lorelai rose. She nearly called out to the stranger, but if it truly was a serial killer, then Lorelai knew one thing: she most definitely wasn't going to die like the main character of a cheesy horror flick.

Lorelai took two steps forward. She squinted, struggling to look into the forest around her to see whatever it was that was hiding in the sea of darkness. However, Lorelai's emotions changed at the speed of light as she did so. Whatever curiosity she had been experienced was replaced with trepidation, with the urge to run far away from whatever was waiting for her.

Hesitantly, she kept her feet planted to the ground. Then, without another thought about it, she hurried home, leaving her to speculate one thing.

What the hell was out there?

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hmm.... a being that randomly made lorelai's emotions change?

gee i wonder who it was
cough cough wink wink

Revised: November 6th, 2019

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