chapter one; into thin air

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"ENJOY YOUR NIGHT," Summer waves to her last customer for the night, her smile dropping the second the middle-aged woman exits the store, and her exhausted features taking over once again.

Working a five-hour shift on a weekday was not how she planned on spending her night.

Her fingertips were stained with black dye from opening plastic bags and her hands were aching from having to pry the cash register open every so often. It certainly wasn't all it was cracked up to be working in a small convenience store.

Between the low pay and the shitty hours she was given, she regularly contemplated why she even bothered with the job. Summer didn't need the extra cash, and if it wasn't for the fact that it got her out of the house most nights, she would've quit by now.

The only other perk was that she got to spend more time with her longest and dearest friend - Jonathan.

"Hey, Summer," The boy called from the opposite register, grabbing the attention of the young brunette. "Could you pass me some more bags? I'm almost out."

Usually, Summer would've given him some smart ass remark telling him to get his own, but with a customer present, she settled for just a smile and took him some from her own stack behind the counter.

"What time do you finish?" She asks once the customer starts to head out of the store and pushes herself up onto the conveyer belt.

"Why? You need a ride?" He raises his brows and cocks his head at her. Jonathan knew all too well that Summer would need a ride home, but he liked giving her shit about it anyway.

Well, that and he didn't mind having to take her home. Her house was on the way and he'd do just about anything for Summer regardless.

"What about Steve? Doesn't he usually pick you up when your mom is working?" He asks.

"He does, but lately he's been hanging out with Nancy Wheeler." She copies his mocking tone, her smile slowly fading. The thought of Steve hanging out with another girl didn't sit well with Summer and that was clear to anyone - anyone except Steve.

Even though she'd never voiced it, Jonathan knew that she had feelings for the other boy. He could tell just by the way she stared at him, almost as if her whole world were right in front of her. It was sad really, to know that she had such strong feelings towards him and yet he was so clueless about it. Especially because it was right in front of his face.

"Meet me out the front when you're done." Jonathan places a hand on Summer's knee, his thumb rolling back and forth before giving it a soft pat.

"Thank you." She smiles weakly, sincerity in her voice and heads into the back room to grab her stuff.

𝐄𝐍𝐈𝐆𝐌𝐀, 𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐯𝐞 𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐭𝐨𝐧 | 𝐛𝐨𝐨𝐤 𝐨𝐧𝐞Where stories live. Discover now