Part 1- hell

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Stephanie's POV

"VIC LETS GO!" I hollered at my older brother. I grabbed my bag kissed my parents cheeks "bye mom bye dad!" "Bye sweetheart have fun at school." My dad said looking up from his sketchbook. "Hurry up steph meh meh meh." My brother mocked and went out the door. "Oh shut up." I mimicked back and threw him the keys.

Vic took the keys out of the car and unlocked the doors. "See ya." He said locking the car and running over to his loser friends. You might wonder what I have against them, well a) they're druggies, and b) they're fucking creepy. My friends are not that normal but aren't always high.

Roaming the hallways trying to find rob and Lizzie, and the most unimportant ducheiness person you'll ever meet is in front of me. Kyle. "What do you want?" I said as he leaned against the locker, instantly blocking my path with his steroid pumped body. "Nothing gorgeous." He said taking a price of my curly red hair. I smacked his hand I and turned around going the other way, until he jerked my shoulder. "Hey where do you think your going bitch?" He smirked devilishly. "Some where far away from you." I spat, and walked away from him again, losing him in the swarm of horny teens.

Since it's the first day back and I'm a sophomore I got to pick my classes and lucky I have music first. I've grown up in a house of music, considering my parents are in a band; Palaye Royale. So I am somewhat lucky with parents.

I walked in the classroom to see mr Merlin our regular art teacher and my uncle Sebastian, sitting in a stool beside him. I ran up to my uncle and hugged him. "Sebastian what are you doing here?" I asked surprised. "Oh well your teacher here asked me if I could come in on mondays and help teach music" he said with a small smile. "That's rad." I said hugging him once again. "Oh and Remington is also coming." He said again. "That's awesome!" "Yes well go take a seat." He instructed and I listened and sat down at the very front. Uncle seb and uncle rem aren't married and mom told me why. Sebastian love died a couple year before I was born, I've seen pictures before, off of her Instagram. She was gorgeous and mom named me after her. And Remington just can't trust any girl so he prefers not to date.

"Hey munchkin." Remington said messing my hair up, and snapping me out of my thought. "Hey uncle rem." I said swatting his hand away. He chuckled and sat beside Sebastian. "Remington late as usual." Sebastian said annoyed. "Sorry mister uptight, maybe if you'd where Normal clothes rather than suits everyday you'd loosen up." Remington sneered. I face palmed and shook my head and the bell rang and students started piling in.

A lot of people starred and whispered in disbelief and excitement. I just giggle at the faces Remington made at me. He may be 38 but he acts like a child. "Hello class and welcome back to a new year, and you may wonder who or why these two gentlemen are. Please introduce yourself." "I'm Sebastian Danzig kropp, guitarists And still manager of a band called palaye Royale." "And I'm They way cooler brother Remington leith kropp, singer of palaye royale, but you may call me nighthawk." He said smirking at Sebastian. A student raised there hand. "Yes?" Sebastian said pointing to the hand. "Umm why are you here? Like you're a famous rock band why spend your time at a high school?" He said. "Well we were asked to teach music and what more fun way then get a band to teach." Remington said. "Also since this is Stephanie's school we couldn't say no." Sebastian said smiling at me. And soon everyone was starring at me. "Uh how do you guys know Stephanie?" A kid blurted out. "Well we are her uncles and Emerson our other brother is her father, and Josie our bass player is her mother." He said simply.

A lot of kids don't know my past or my parents, no one even knows my last name, until now. Well this is going to be a long year.

Hope you liked the first chapter of struggle and the sequel to my first friend. Next chapter will be Vic's POV on this day. Vote comment and whatever!

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