[Chapter twelve]

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[Chapter twelve]

[Draco Malfoy's P.O.V]

Slightly recovered from my experience with the Weaslebees lion I had told myself that I needed to rest, re think a few things and make an even better plan on getting them back. I sat now, leaned back against one of the sofa's in the common room just staring into the fire. The common room was pretty empty, many had retired to bed but I couldn't, not yet, too much to think about.

I massaged my neck when I felt a numbing sensation take over from the lack of movement. I was just turning my head when I spotted something, something in the shape of a black book. Placed oddly under the pillow I was leaning on. It was rather peculiar, it had no initials engraved on it which was odd for any Slytherin...Picking it up I quickly opened the first page.

A young girl lay across a vast sea of flowers, her dark hair shadowing her face slightly as she looked up at me, her eye's blinking on the page, her beautiful lips set into a seductive pout...there was something wrong with them, they where turned as if she was in pain. That was when I spotted the crimson oozing from her waist, a puncture mark etched on by a quill was rather accurate. I felt sick. I knew this girl. I turned the page to see similar pictures of her, blood oozing from some sort of wound, beautiful as ever. I threw the book across the room.

“Damn it!” I breathed. I had seen many terrible things in my short life but nothing was as gut wrenching as that book. I felt my hands ache out to reach for it, to look at them again, to work out why she of all people was etched across parchment in such a way but I just couldn't.

Such a weakness! But I wasn't sick enough to just ignore it. I walked across the room, stiffly as ever and picked it up. I didn't bother to sit back down. Instead I opened the book in search of clues to who as the owner of the book was.

The two letters scrawled across the page where; TN

I wrenched.

[End of Draco Malfoy's P.O.V]

Surely I couldn't be this giddy!? I think I was making Kris and Leona feel a little dizzy but what the hell it was about time some happiness came out of this awful predicament. I danced around them both as we headed towards Transfiguration.

“Is she on happy pills or something?” Kris asked.

Leona giggled slightly, shook her red hair and smiled over at me. I liked seeing her smile , it was the type of smile that lit up the room. I grinned at them both but stopped my dancing.

“Oh shut up Kris” Leona bit back playfully.

He chuckled. “Make me!”

“Really? Do you really want me to make you shut up?”

Oh here we go again! God these two where like a married couple. Would they over grow up? Actually no, would they over pull on there big girls/boys pants and admit they like eachother?

“Well yeah!”

“Right!” she laughed, charging for him with her bag in her hands ready to whack him.

I coughed, itched my head as I looked around and blushed when I noticed a few people staring.

“Ok....I'm not with them” I turned and raced off towards my next class.

Why does he stare at me like that? So full of underlying hatred. Even before this house war he glared across from the class room at me. His eye's dark and brooding, the artistic type though they where set like a crazy man's. I cringed away from the attention and turned back to my text book.

Professor McGonagall was off on a big speech about the importance of-

Oh who bloody cares!?

I took to doodling on a spare piece of parchment, nothing fancy as I wasn't that artistic or that concentrated on anything but squiggles.

“Your supposed to be taking notes” Kris hissed.

I looked up at him and smirked, he saw this and shook his head. “Your not copying mine so forget it”

“Aww!” I whispered.

Did he really think I would copy him? Honestly I couldn't read his scrawl. The whole lesson was something I had read about in the holidays so I wasn't worried about missing something that could pop up in our exams.

Leona on the other hand was busily scrawling her neat handwriting across her parchment, her head bent low so that she was comfortable, her fingers tightly wrapped around her quill and this odd look across her face.

And I'm the geek? Pftt.

I looked up slowly, away from my observations to find him of all people looking at me, he smirked as he leaned cockily back in his chair. Oh how much I hated Draco Malfoy. Stupid slimeball had a stick stuck up his ass. Did he really think he had a chance of beating us? What a L.O.S.E.R.

I rolled my eye's at him, turned my attention to the Professor and tried my best to ignore the stare he had on me. I couldn't just ignore that kind of stare, as I've said many times before he was intimidating, his evil stare was far worse. I cringed into my seat, pulled my long hair around and placed it as a curtain between us.

A curtain between good and evil.

Before I knew it the bell was ringing loud and clear throughput the class room. I quickly scrambled up from my seat, grabbing my books I stuffed them in my book and headed towards the door when Malfoy rudely pushed past me, sending me flying to the left, my bag slipped and hit the ground with a loud thud. Everyone around me laughed.

“Watch where your going” he sneered. I rolled my eye's and quickly bent down to grab the books that had spilled across the floor when I suddenly found myself frozen, a dark envelope staring up at me, a very elegant handwriting across the middle.

“Come on Grace, I'm hungry!” Leona called from the door.

“I'll meet you there. I wont be a second” I called back, ignoring the envelope for last as I shoved my books into my bag. Brushing my hair back I took the envelope between my fingers, shouldered my bag and made my way for the door. I inspected it with curiosity. Had that been in my bag all day? Was it mine? Had someone dropped it on the way out?

Turning it over, pushing my fingers under the seal I teared. I teared some more. The large envelope fell to the floor as I took the piece of parchment in my hand, turned it over and-

A scream, a terrified scream travelled up my throat at such a speed. This was a new picture, even worse than the terrifying I had received a week ago. Oliver and I where laying in one another arms, the same artistic flow of black and white sketch , the same flowing hair around my face...blood pouring from our chests where our heart was placed. Tears flown from my face...

Real tears dropped from my eye's, landing on the paper and smudging the pencil marks.

Oliver's eye's where drawn into one expression; horror.

“No” I whispered.

The paper trembled...no it was my hands that trembled. I blinked back the many tears trying to stay calm but my body wouldn't have it, it needed to let the stress of the weeks out all in one go.

My eye's fell fully back onto to the image, the outfit I wore when Oliver had asked me to be his girlfriend was my attire in the picture, someone must of...


I gasped, the picture fell from my grasp and I screamed.

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