Was that all...was that all a dream?

Did you drift off into a daydream about Jungkook seducing you?!

The bunny watches you with wide eyes, wary as you scoot away from him and smile crazily.

"Breakfast, yeah," you squeak. "We should- we should do breakfast."

Grinning happily, Jungkook rolls out of bed and stretches, unfolding his long frame in the morning sun. Unblemished and perfect skin stretches tautly over rock hard muscle as he rolls his shoulders and arches his back so his spine pops.

You bite your lip, the sharp pain drawing you out of the stupor you've been hypnotized into by Jungkook's cat-like motions.

What is wrong with you?

You thought that after Jungkook stopped his attempts at 'mating' with you, these things wouldn't be a problem anymore.

Obviously not.

Your eyes are still tempted to gravitate toward him, like a asteroid caught in the earth's gravity. You're still drawn to him.

Stop it, Y/N. Too far.

So you scurry into the bathroom and take a moment to breathe, fixing your hair and brushing your teeth before you return to Jungkook.

When you smile, you try to seem as normal as possible. "What do you want to eat? Waffles? Eggs? I know how to make pancakes."

His eyes grow impossible huge, sparkling like black diamonds. "Can we make pancakes?"

You nod in confirmation, a giggle slipping out when he begins to dance cutely around the room, all the while chanting, "Pancakes pancakes pancakes!"

The two of you venture into the kitchen and engage in what's basically you trying to keep him from burning down the apartment complex as you simultaneously throw together some pancakes.

At the end of everything, when you and Jungkook are both covered in flour and a sticky drip of syrup is edging down your collarbone, you quickly decide that your ex-bunny is no longer allowed in the kitchen.

"Mm," Jungkook hums happily, shoving enormous bites of syrup-covered pancake into his mouth. "It's so good."

Smiling at his cute mood today, you pick at your own pancakes with little interest.

What happened earlier has thrown you off of your game. You can't focus. Also, there's still a drip of syrup making the skin of your collarbone sticky and messy. You wince, swiping aimlessly at it with a napkin.

"Hm? Noona, you missed a spot," Jungkook mumbles.

He reaches toward you to wipe it away, but you stand abruptly from the table, avoiding his hand.

"Don't touch me," you breathe, leaning against the countertop and watching him cautiously. One side of Jungkook's mouth tilts up in a grin. He levers himself up from the table and slowly ambles toward you, watching your every movement with sharp eyes.

"Why?" The question comes from his throat in a silky purr, teasing and playful. Edging even further from him, you avoid meeting his black eyes. You don't trust the mischievousness in them.

"B-because you just can't," you stutter. "Because you're-"

"A rabbit?" He doesn't stop moving forward, nor does the arrogant grin slip from his face. "Or because I'm younger? Come on, Noona. Y/N." Laughing lightly, Jungkook lunges forward faster than you can keep track of, slamming one hand to the counter on either side of you.

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