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"Liliana." A voice said making me stir in my sleep. "Liliana, wake up." I soon recognized the voice as being my brothers. "LILIANA GET YO ASS UP," he yelled, making me sit up quickly with wide eyes.

"Don't fucking yell in my ear." I said, glaring at him. "What do you want?"

Nick ignored my question and walked into my closet, walking back out with my pink suitcase. "What are you doing?" I questioned again, not bothering to her out of bed.

He threw my suitcase on my bed, making it land on my legs. "Get packed, once you're done come downstairs. That's when i'll tell you where we're going." He walked out of my room without saying another word. What the fuck dude?

I pushed the pink cover off of my body and stood up. I have to use the bathroom. He can wait. I walked into my bathroom that was connected to my room and quickly did my business. I washed my hands and splashed water on my face to wake me up a bit before walking back out in my room. Why does he want me to pack? And Why does he think he can just come home after 3 months of being in LA and boss me around?

I began taking random shirts, jackets, shorts and pretty much anything else I could wear and started folding them, placing everything neatly into my suitcase. Once I was done, I decided to change into something comfy. Don't know where i'm going but I might as well be comfortable. I pulled my hair into a a high ponytail, running my fingers through it. I slid on my white converse and pulled the suitcase off of my bed. Wow, this thing was fucking heavy.

"Alright, Watch out!," I yell as a warning before I sent my suitcase flying down the stairs. I walked behind it slowly.

"Nick?" I called out as I reached the bottom of the stairs. I began looking around for my older brother. Just as I was about to go into the kitchen, He came through the front door.

"About time, come on!" He said, taking my suitcase. I followed behind him, hopeless and confused. Nick put my suitcase in trunk of the car and got in the passenger seat as I got in the back. Once I was in, I looked to see Vinny, one of Nicks friends.

"Good morning Lily," He smiled at me, starting the engine after everyone had their seatbelts on.

"Um good morning." I said, sending a smile.

"So are you excited?" He asked, pulling out of our driveway.

"I still have no idea what's going on." I said truthfully, looking at him. As he was about to say something, Nick interrupted, "Take a left here, it's faster."

"Where are we going?" I ask, leaning up to the seat in front of me where Nick was seated.

"Oh I forgot to tell you." Nick said, making me smack him in the back of the head. "Ow! okay fine, we're going to the airport."

"I would ask more questions but you're lucky I like traveling." I said sinking back into my seat. I began playing some random games until we reached the airport. It was about a 30 minute drive from out house to here. Me and Nick said our goodbyes to Vinny before grabbing our suitcases from the trunk and walking inside.

"You know this is really rude," I say, basically running behind Nick. "WAIT I HAVE SHORT LEGS." I yell, making half of the airport look at me. "Sorry," I mutter quietly before finally catching up to Nick.

We walked through the airport in search of our gate. "There it is," Nick said. "We have first class tickets, you better love me." He said as he handed me my ticket.

"How did you get first class tickets?" I questioned, a smile forming across my face as we boarded the plane. A man had already taken our luggage so all I had with me was my pink miniature backpack, which contained my laptop, charger, earphones and some other things that I probably wouldn't need.

"I WANT THE WINDOW SEAT," I said pushing past Nick to get to the window seat. Before long, the flight attendant came around and gave a speech about what and what not to do on the plane, along with teaching everyone how to put their seatbelt on. I had been on a plane way too many times to not know how to buckle my seatbelt. It's confusing.

"Do you need help?" Nick asked, and I nodded my head. "How many times have you been on an airplane again?" He chuckled, reaching his arm over me to grab the other part of the seatbelt. I didn't answer because he already knew the answer to that question and he was only asking me to make me feel embarrassed. "There, you're welcome,"  He said. " Thanks big brother." I smiled sweetly. I turned my attention to the window, putting my earphones in my ear and closing my eyes.


Someone was shaking my shoulders. An incoherent grumble of words fell from my lips as I turned away from them. "Come on Liliana, wake up, we're here." Nick cooed.

"Where are we?" I questioned, slowly opening my eyes. I was facing the window on the plane and everything outside was dark. I have no idea where I am.

"If you would get up, you'd find out." He sassed. "Come on, everyone's already off the plane." he said, making me sit up and glance around. It was true. There was only one other person on the plane, and she was leaving. I stood up from the very uncomfortable seat and followed Nick off the plane. A yawn fell from my lips as we entered the airport.

"How are still tired? You slept for over 8 hours."

I shrugged my shoulders and looked at him, my eyes focusing on a sign behind him. CALIFORNIA.

"CALIFORNIA?" I screamed excitedly, "Why are we in California??"

Nick chuckled, "Well I live here." He said as it was the most obvious thing in the world.

Well no shit, I already knew that. But why was I here with him?

"Because you, dear sister, are going to be staying with me and the boys for a while."

"Seriously? Oh my god!" I said throwing my arms around my brother.

Nick knew that it had always been a dream of mine since we were younger to live in LA. Not a lot of people knew this, but me and Nick would always put on shows for our whole family when we were younger and talked about become famous once we got older, but obviously Nick was the one who actually had the guts to go out and pursue it. In March, when Nick got the call to move out to LA and meet with the rest of the boys of the band, We stopped talking for a while. I was devastated. I felt like he had left me all alone and forgotten about me, which clearly wasn't the case at all. It was only until July, that Me and Nick started talking again and THIS was making up for it all. I truly did have the best big brother out there.

"How did you even convince mom and dad to let me come out here?"

"It took a while," he chuckled. "But I worked my magic and reminded ma that you're almost 18 and she gave in." He shrugged, smiling.

"Oh my god I love you. You're honestly the best brother ever, I love you." I say embracing him in a hug.

I don't think LA is ready for the Mara siblings..

✔ LITTLE MARA! ― (BRANDON ARREAGA)Where stories live. Discover now