Night With The Boys

Start from the beginning

"WOW! You make everything look good, even just a regular towel looks sexy on you" I whispered in her ear making her giggle.

"Harry Styles, you are such a flirt" she said as she turned around.

She placed her hands on my neck as I looked into her beautiful hazel eyes and smiled at how beautiful she was.

I leaned in and planted a quick, but passionate kiss on the lips. Hannah was one of those girls who didn't need makeup, she was a natural beauty.

I gave a quick kiss on the lips then gave her the clothes she could wear.

"Like I said, you could either wear these, or just wear that towel" I winked before exiting out of the bathroom.I took one last glimpse of her and saw her blush making me giggle.

"Finally Harry came, where have you been?" Louis smirked while Liam and Niall wiggled their eyebrows.

"Nothing, I just gave her clothes to wear" I grinned as I focused on the movie that was playing.

"You got a glimpse yet?" Niall smirked as he shoved popcorn into his mouth.

"Nope!" I said popping the 'p'.

Hannah stepped out the bathroom and headed towards us. I'm not gonna lie, but even with boy clothes she managed to make it look good in some way. She sat beside me.

"You should wear my clothes more often, if they looked good on me, it'd look better on you" I whispered on her ear making her cheeks crimson red. I smirked at her reaction.

"Do you remember at Paul's wedding, there was a sign that was printed 'One Direction' on the table?" Hannah asked.

"Yeah, what about it love?" Liam asked motioning her to continue.

"Well.... Uhmm, I was just wondering, Who or what is One Direction" Hannah blushed looking at the ground.

"Ohh, haha, well we auditioned for the X-Factor as solo acts and the judges thought it'd be best if we were in a band. Soooo, that's the name of our band" Louis tried to explain.

"Ohhh, ok. I'll try and look it up" she blushed.

An hour passed and Louis, Niall and Hannah were knocked out on the sofa leaving me and Liam awake to clean up the mess.

"Is Hannah gonna sleep here?" Liam whispered making sure not to wake them up.

"I'm not sure, I'll call her sister" I said as I reached in my pocket and dialed Aileen.

"Hello!" she chirped.

"Hey Aileen! I was wondering if Hannah could stay here for the night, she's sleeping in the sofa at the minute and I don't want to bother her rest" I asked kindly.

"Of coarse, I'll let my parents know, ohh and Harry, no funny business alright? Same for my sister" she giggled on the other line making me blush.

"Yeah, nothing's gonna happen" I smirked, and with that I hung up.

"So, can she stay?" Liam asked impatiently.

"yes, her sister just said no funny business" I smirked.

"Well, let's just keep our hands to our-self" Liam laughed as he threw away popcorn that were in the counter.

I headed up to my rooms and took a quick shower. I threw on a pair of boxers since clothes irritate me when I sleep, I usually sleep naked but you know, gotta give a good impression.

As I was drying my hair with a towel, someone was knocking on my door.

"Who is it?" I asked as I walked over.

"It's me" a girly voice rang on the other side. I unlocked my door and saw Hannah.

"You finally woke up!" I smirked as I let her inside my room.

"Well technically no. I woke up cause Louis was tickling my foot and throwing popcorn at me" she giggled as her eyes scanned my room.

"your room is pretty big" she smiled.

"Thanks." I smiled back.

"So, Liam told me that you called my sister saying that I can stay over for tonight" she said, I nodded.

"What did she say?" she said as her eyes met mine.

"She said ok, as long as there's no funny business going on." She eyes widened and cheeks turned pink.

"Well there will definitely not be anything going around here tonight" she smirked.

"Why? You don't want to have any fun?" I winked. She just laughed as she threw a pillow.

"So where will I be sleeping?" she asked.

"Well you can sleep with me" I smirked.

"Ohhh no, I can just sleep in the couch, I don't want to invade your privacy" she said looking at the ground.

"No, I insist, my bed's pretty big for the two of us. I promise I'll keep my hands to myself.... Most of the time" I smirked making her laugh.

It was already 10:30pm and Hannah was already in bed. I closed the lights and lay down next to her. I snaked my hands to her waist and pulling her closer to me.

She giggled as she turned around to face me. Our eyes met once again making me lose my train of thought. She leaned in closer until our lips touched.

We finally broke away catching our breathes. I swear I could literally feel sparks whenever our lips touched, it's like nothing I've never felt towards someone before.

" Goodnight Harry" Hannah spoke yawning lightly.

"Goodnight beautiful" I whispered as I kissed her forehead.

With Hannah wrapped around my arms, I finally fell a sleep with a smile planted on my face.


Hey guys!!!(: so how'd you guys like it? I'm running out of things to add, any suggestions?! Just leave them below!(: thanks! Xx :)

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