Erza vs Lucy

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Erza walked in the guild and she saw Lucy sitting down at the table with Natsu and she was telling him a story about her dragon.

Erza then over heard Lucy say that her dragon made her lift up heavy stuff.

"Well the strongest woman in Fairy Tail is Erza" ,said Natsu.

"Oh then how much did she lift",asked Lucy.

Erza then came by there table.

"I'd have you know I can lift up heavy things that is why I am the strongest woman in Fairy Tail", said Erza.

(Note that Erza is 15 and Lucy is 12)

"Sorry, but your not the only one who can lift up heavy stuff", said Lucy as Erza grunted.

"Fine then I challenge you Lucy Aquaria to a fight for the strongest woman in Fairy Tail", said Erza as Lucy agreed.

Both went outside then went to the meadow.

"I wonder who will win",said Gramps.

"Everybody put cash in if you think it's going to be Erza or Lucy",said Cana as everybody put votes in.

With Lucy and Erza

Both got into fighting stance.

"Ready", said Erza.

"Set",said Lucy.

"GO", both said in usion at the same time.

Both came at each other and Erza requipped into her swords armor. She tried slicing Lucy who dodged her swings easily.

"Ice-Make Loin", said Lucy putting her fist on her hand and making a loin made of ice appear.

The loin came at Erza and she tried to slice it, but suddenly Lucy made the loin go into water version and Erza sword just went it and then Lucy made it go back to ice form. Erza sliced it then Lucy formed a earth make sword. Erza was up in the air and spreaded her hands out and appeared one hundred swords.

"DANCE MY ONE HUNDRED BLAZES",shouted out Erza as one swords targeted Lucy and shot at her.

Lucy jumped up in the air and shouted out, "EARTH DRAGON WING ATTACK". Erza's swords had then disappeared and Lucy made a huge sword in ice make form and she swung it at Erza and Erza had then fell on the ground. Erza saw a big rock and she picked it up and threw it at Lucy who easily stopped it with one hand.

"Wow really, This is child's play, throw something heavier", said Lucy as Erza was shocked then she came at Lucy and tried to do combat until Lucy found Erza's weak spot and put two fingers together and touched her chest then she fell down and couldn't get back up. Lucy then bent down and sat by Erza.

"How are you so strong, what did you use", asked Erza.

"I lifted up heavy things and I fought while carrying them", said Lucy.

"Do you fight better because you use emotions, because the way your past went I'm sure it hurts a lot and makes you stronger", said Erza.

"I don't use emotions. Yes it does hurt to look back at my past but I'll get over with it. I fight with the strength I have and love I give. I don't ever fight with emotion because if I did I would be a monster just like if I took this eye patch off", said Lucy helping Erza up.

"But you know what Erza I'll let you keep the title of the strongest woman in Fairy Tail", said Lucy healing Erza as she stood up on her own and hugged Lucy.

Both got back to the guild.

"She won",said Lucy as the people who voted on Erza cheered.

Lucy sat at a table then Gray sat by her.

"You know good and well that you just lied to the whole guild", said Gray as Lucy blush.

"Yep. Your like the only one that knows me better",said Lucy hugging Gray making her blush and him blush.

"Yeah your so cute when your being sweet", said Gray as Lucy blush.

"Your so calm when you strip just like you did right now", said Lucy making Gray blush and check himself and put on his clothes.

Gray POV

I'm glad she is comfortable when I accidentally strip. I really like her I hope she notice that one day while were still growing.

Thank you 😊 for reading 📖 and Happy 😃 New Years

Thank you 😊 for reading 📖 and Happy 😃 New Years

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