Her jaw tightened in anger as her little balled up fists shook in anger. She roughly shoved Cole away from her as she yelled at him. "That's it. You speak with your fists, not your words." Charlotte grabbed Harry's free hand that was covering his nose and started leading him towards the bathroom hall. It wasn't until she got to the bathrooms that she realized Cole was stalking close behind them. "No, you stay right fûcking there." Charlotte hissed as she pointed to his current spot on the ground. After he stopped walking, she led Harry into the men's restroom.

Cole just stood outside the men's bathroom dumbfounded about what just happened. First of all, he thought Charlotte hated his guys, and that dâmn smirk on his face was asking for him to deck it dead center. Second, he was in extreme shock at not only her harsh tone with him, but also her use of language. He's only ever heard Charlotte utter that curse word a couple times before, but they were never in such a stern and enraged context. Honestly, he wanted to follow them into the men's restroom since he didn't trust that bâstard in the first place, but he was honestly scared of what Charlotte would do or say if he disobeyed her.

Inside the bathroom, Charlotte was frantically pulling out paper towels and wetting half of them to hand to Harry. He had them pressed to his nose as much as he could without causing unbearable pain from being broken. His eyes landed on the tiny pool of blood on her shoulder, and he wet his thumb under the faucet before dragging it across her bare skin. A small sigh escaped her lips as she handed him another paper towel.

"I'm so sorry, this is all my fault." She muttered under her breath as she looked down at her feet. Harry assured her that it wasn't her fault, but she shook off his gesture. "It is. I got all worked up over something and now you have a broken nose." She could see the light purple bruises beginning to form under his eyes, a true sign of a broken nose. It made her shiver just to look at him like this. The last time he was punched by her boyfriend she didn't stick around long enough to see the damage that was done.

"I'll be alright, I promise. This is just a small price that I have to pay considering everything that I have done to you." He shrugged his shoulders as he switched the bloodied paper towels out for fresh ones. The swelling around his nose and eye areas was sickening to look at. "You'll probably never want me back, but I miss you. I miss us, the real us." Another man stepped into the bathroom, causing Charlotte's cheeks to heat up intensely. Harry chuckled lightly as he told her that it was only his friend.

"You need me to take you to the hospital? You look like shît." His friend joked as he stuffed his hands into his pockets. The male was tan and covered with tattoos, and his brown hair was slicked back away from his eyes just as Harry's was.

"Yeah, just a second Louis." Harry waved him off. His friend, who's name she now learned was Louis, took the hint and left the bathroom. "I'm sorry that I hurt you, and I know that you're with someone else. Just don't forget this warning." Harry took in a deep breath as he looked down at the little, innocent doe in front of him. "Guys like him will drive you insane with love and lust. They'll love you, and you'll love them back. Just don't let him leave you in pieces if he turns out to be someone different than you once thought." Charlotte looked at Harry as if she was questioning his rational. "He dated me best friend."

Charlotte remembered Harry's best friend, a gorgeous girl named Sarah. She had only met the girl once before he said that she snapped. He didn't mention any names at the time, but told her that a man really messed with Sarah's emotional state. He told her that some nights she was so bad that she even threatened suicide over losing the one she thought loved her. That girl was a mess after her boyfriend up and left, and she one day disappeared. Towards the end of her and Harry's relationship, she remembered him mentioning that Sarah was to study at a local university and she was reaching out to amend their friendship. To her knowledge, the two are still best friends to this day.

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