Take me to wonderland (magxon fanfiction)

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Take Me To Wonderland

(A magcon fanfiction)

By: Josie and Lexi


I pace back and forth on my room, Lexi sitting on my polka dott bed. I stop and look at Lexi. "BRRRIIINGG" my phone rings. "I GOT IT!!" I scream, and dive for my phone. "Jesus Christ.." Lexi whispers, and I laugh. I look at who is calling me. Chad Grier. "ITS HIM!!" I screech, looking at Lexi wide eyed. She looks at my phone in my hand. "ANDWER IT!" She screams, and I jump. "SORRY!!" I scream back, and take a deal breath. I answer the call.

-phone call-


"Hi, is this Josie Burnham or Lexi Yates?"

"This is Josie."

"Hello Josie. I have some exciting news for you girls. Would you like to put me on speaker so that Lexi can hear?"


"Okay. So, we have assigned you girls to join a group. Being there is no other slots available. Is this okay with you girls?"

"Yeah! That's totally fine!"

"Okay good. So, on to the merging. We are happy to inform you, that we have assigned you girls with the Magcon boys."

My mouth dropped open and I couldn't speak.

"OH MY GOSH!!!" Lexi screams.

"You are to go to as many proformences as possible, and participate in as many things as your scheduale will allow. We will provide you with online school for the days, weeks, and months you will be out of state and or country, and plane tickets."

"Oh my gosh.. Thank you!!"

"The boys are very excited to be working with you."

-I look at Lexi.-

"They already know?"

"Yes. Infact, they have planned a meeting for you and them to meet. They have rented out a hotel for a week in Los Angelis"

"L.A.?? That's really far.. And when?"

"Plane tickets are already in the mail. The trip would take place this coming weekend, and continue until 2 weeks afterwords, on the 27th."

"Oh.. It's Tuesday.. So I guess that's fine. Could I have the boys numbers? Just so I can talk to them about this meeting..?"


After I get the boys numbers and text them, me and Lexi head out to eat. I literally cannot believe this is happening. Me and Lexi are seriously going to be vining, making YouTube videos, having fun, and going to MAGCON together!! I literally think I will die.


Hey guys I'm writing a new story! Hope you guys like it! me and my friend Josie are writing it together so this should be interesting!! if you haven't read my other story, go read it! it's called Scars (magcon fanfiction) also go read JOSIES 'for all eternity (magcon fanfiction) thank guys!!

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