Chapter 16: I Still Hate You

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"Hey Jimin, I see you have one secret admirer huh?" Joshua said as soon as he spots Jimin walking towards his desk. Jimin gives him one confused look, not quite get the joke that Joshua is trying to say.

Once Jimin takes a look on his desk, he spots a small bouquet of white and red roses on his desk with a small note with a letter 'I'.

'What the hell?'

Jimin takes the note on beside the flowers and flipped it.


'Red and white roses are the simplest way to say sorry'


The moment Jimin read the note, he immediately knows who put the flower on top of his desk. He crumples the note, pick up the flowers and throws both of them into the trash can under his desk. Unfortunately, the crumpled card didn't make it into the can, instead, it fell right behind it. Jimin just rolls his eyes in annoyance and starts doing his works.


The next day, Jimin walks towards his desk and he finds another small bouquet of flowers on his desk, exactly the same like yesterday except for a different type of flowers. Today, he got a bouquet of peonies. He flips the card with the letter 'M' on it and reads the notes written on it.


'There are no words to say how ashamed I am of what I did to you before and there would be no words to show how sorry I am to you. But I'm still hoping that one day, you'll forgive me'


"Hey, you got another one!" Yeein exclaims excitedly looking at the beautiful flowers on Jimin's desk.

"Here, you can have it." Jimin said, giving the flowers to her. He stares at the tinted window where he knows Jungkook is watching him. Jimin push his glasses up and starts to do his works. He doesn't even care what Jungkook would think about what he did to the flowers.

He doesn't care and he didn't want to care.


It's been three days since Jimin got a bouquet of flowers on his desks. Today wasn't an exception either, and today, he spots a nicely wraps bluebells with the same piece of note with the letter 'S'.


'Jimin, there's no words to say how humiliated I am for hurting you, losing trust in you and nothing could make up for it. I regret every single things that I did to you but I won't lose hope on you'


"Jimin ah, who's sending you these flowers and notes every day?" Joshua came with smirks on his face. Yeein keeps on wiggling her eyebrows at Jimin while holding the notes that Jimin accidently gave her when he gave her the flowers yesterday.

"No one." Jimin said before walking to the pantry, getting ready to make the coffee for his 'boss'. Once he's done making the coffee, he walks straight to Jungkook's door, knocks on in twice before entering. He spots Jungkook at his desk, busy with all the paperwork. It seems like Jungkook didn't even realize that Jimin is standing right in front of him. Without saying anything, Jimin place the coffee on the desk and walks away.

Well, he's a bit annoyed at how Jungkook can be so calm and composed when he's obviously the one who put the flowers on Jimin's desk for the past three days. Little that he knows, Jungkook was not composed, in fact, he didn't even know what to do. Sending to flowers is a way to seek apology, but it was not that easy.



'Geranium, a symbol of sorry for stupidity. This is the easiest way to tell you how much I regret for the things I did and how stupid I am for trusting blindly of everything else but not my own husband.'


Jimin had had enough, these notes meant nothing to him so as these flowers. If Jungkook thinks that these apologizes notes can make up for everything, then he's wrong! Jimin walks straight towards Jungkook's office and walks inside without even bother to knock first.

Jungkook startled when he saw Jimin, power walking towards him with a very serious face. He gulps down his saliva, a little bit nervous.

"Mr. Jeon, please stop giving me those flowers and stupid notes. Nothing will change and I do hope it will stay this way." Jimin turns around, ready to leave. But his steps halt when he heard the small voice belongs to the most confident person that he's known.

"I won't...................."

Jimin slowly turns his head back, didn't believe at what he just heard.

"I won't stop, and I won't lose hope on you"

Jimin rolls his eyes and walks away in annoyance.


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