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"can anyone join?" Was the first thing Dallon said on his live stream. You were both sitting on the couch after dinner, watching some friends, pretty bored, so Dall opened the live stream. "Y/N come here, your beautiful face will attract more people" Dall said
"Oh stop it" you replied, not wanting to move from your position.
"Ok hey guys hows life?" He asked
"It's my birthday, Happy birthday!" Dallon started answering people "Happy birthday" you said from your seat. "Where is Y/N? She is right here. Say hi sweetie" you leant over and said hi to the people. "what are you watching? We are watching friends on popular demand" Dallons eyes shifted towards you. "where is Knox and Amelie? They are playing in the garden"  There was a pause "where is Y/n? I already told you guys she is right here." You chuckled "Im here guys no need to worry, Dall didn't eat me" you said. You turned so your head rested on his shoulder. "tell Y/N we love her. Y/N they love you" Dallon looked down at you on his shoulder. "I love you guys too" you mumbled. "I love you too, you're the love of my life" Dallon said and kissed your forehead, causing him to get a major double chin. "I love you too sweetheart" you said kissing his cheek.
"Oh my gawd you guys are so cute. I know we are. We are goals to the max" Dall said matter-of-factly. You fistbumped without even thinking, it was your thing. Whenever someone called you two cute, you fistbumped.

The comments went wild "Y/N is so gorgeous. I know she is, I think they came here for you not for me" Dallon said the last part to you.
"Come on people, Dally deserves some love" after you said that people started sending hearts to him and complimenting him. "haha, I don't deserve compliments, my angel does" Dallon said to the audience. "You guys are adorable, ask us some questions" you said
"Did you guys have sex before marriage? Woah there, do we need to get that explicit?" Dallon said "wait we should answer this" you told him. "ok you should answer this not me" he said. "Yes we did have sex. That's becuase we knew we were going to spend the rest of our lives together, but back then we weren't in the financial situation to get married." You answered "exactly. I knew she was the love of my life. And here we are after fourteen years of marriage and eighteen years of love, proud to say we are still as crazy about each other, if not more, as we first met." Dallon's little speech made you feel like the most special person on earth. "I need love like yours. You'll find it when you least expect it." You answered a question. "Ok guys I'm tired, I think I'll end it here" Dallon said "Bye guys" comments flooded in saying bye to us when he stopped the live.

"Y/N" Dall said
"Do you know how much I love you?" He asked
"Enough to stick around for eighteen years of this" you said indicating at yourself.
"You think that's bad. I think it's an honour" He said. You couldn't help yourself, you looked up and kissed him. It was the same kiss as the one eighteen years before, on your second date at McDonald's.

This was really short but I hope you liked it. Make sure you vote and comment. -Lily xx

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