Chapter 2 - The Fire That Burned Many Worlds

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I sighed and turned back to my book.
"Hmm," I replied to Ethel, barely lifting my green eyes from the book I was engrossed in.
"Do you smell something?" He asked me quietly.
I lifted my nose up and sniffed the air. I could mainly smell Ethel.
"Ethel, you need to have a shower,"
"Shut up I do not smell!"
"Well you're the only thing i can smell..."
Then I smelt it. The burning. The smell. It encompassed everything. Covering it with the smell of must and burning. I started to cough.
"We need to get out," I heard Ethel whisper next to my ear.
I started to stumble towards the entrance, grabbing Ethel out of the air and holding him to my chest.
"I can't go much further," I spluttered
Suddenly, I collapsed on the ground. My vision slowly fading.
I heard someone say something in the distance, before completely blacking out.

"I think she's asleep."
"What do you mean you think she's asleep?"
"She could be dead,"
"Well did you check her heart beat?"
"I dunno?"
I could hear two male voices talking above me. One seemed to get more annoyed at the other as the seconds went bye. I wanted them both to be quiet so I could just sleep. Then I remembered what had just happened.
I sat up and screamed. The two guys jumped back in surprise and stared at me. After a moment of stunned silence, one of the guys opened his mouth.
"Geez if you're gonna scream at least say something." He said before rolling his eyes and leaving the room.
"Don't just leave me here with her!" The other guy shouted after him.
"So I nearly got burnt alive in a library, ended up getting kidnapped and you expected me to be calm?" I yelled, stunned at the guy who was standing in front of me.
"He said that not me," The guy shrugged before running a hand through his hair.
"Let me go now!" I shouted at the guy.
"I mean you're welcome to leave at anytime you want. But then, I would have to capture you and bring you back here so, I don't think it's wise," The guy replied before sitting at the end of my bed, "Personally I don't even want you here. Humans are too annoying for me."
"Then how did I turn up here?"
"Actually I was hoping you would answer that. Rye found you outside the door."
"The other guy."
"Oh," I replied calmly, almost too calmly.
"Well I'll leave you too collect you thoughts," the guy stated before wondering out the door.

"Ethel?" I whispered, "Ethel are you there?"
"I'm here," Ethel replied before turning visible.
"What happened?"
"Well, I woke up whilst we were outside this house. From what I've heard these people seem to be good."
"Well great," I replied, " At least we aren't stuck with psychopaths,"
"Its not good Nessa." Ethel replied, not even acknowledging my comment.
"What do you mean?"
"We aren't home anymore."

I instantly knew what Ethel meant as soon as he said that. Our world had seven continents. I had lived on the only one populated only with humans. It was said to be the worst of the continents to live in. Stricken with poverty, war and crime. The other races such as the warlocks and the vampires used these facts to mock and laugh at our race. I however had lived a pretty good life. But I knew that humans, wherever they went. Never had a good life. 

I decided to look around so I got up. I found a shower so I used it. Afterwards I found a drawer with a bunch of female clothes in it.
"I wonder if that guy found them?" I asked Ethel who shrugged dismissively. I rummaged through the drawer. All the clothes looked relatively normal, for girls who had style. Eventually, after what seemed like hours of pointless searching, I found a t-shirt, a hoodie and a pair of jeans. I put them on and started to walk out the door.
"Ethel, they don't know about you do they?"
Ethel climbed up my leg as an Ermine and rested on my shoulder. He nodded before turning invisible.
"Lets keep it that way," I said before walking through the door.

"Hi," Rye said after seeing me walk through he door.
"Hi... i guess," I replied before walking to the door.
"Where are you going?" The guy asked from behind me.
Suddenly he ran in front of me, blocking my path. He moved with inhuman speed and stood with his arms crossed in front of me. It was clear that he was a vampire. Unfortunately I realised this too late and walked straight into him.
"Sorry," I muttered before stepping back.
The guy chuckled before sitting back down.
"Sit," he said, " We have quite a bit to talk about."
"A bit is an understatement." I replied before sitting down.

Hey sorry if this was a bad chapter. It will get better soon i promise 😖😊

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