The thought

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Amy slowly opened the envelope and read what was inside 'Your memes are trash' She didn't know how to react, so she started laughing with tears forming in her eyes. She tried not to like hard, but she couldn't help it, she burst into laughter. A few seconds later, she regained herself. While walking home, she reached for her phone in her book bag, it wasn't there. She reached into her pocket, it wasn't there. She left it on her desk. She ran back to the school, she knew that Matthew stayed after for the honor students club. She ran down the hallways and she saw Matthew, looking confused. "There you are Amy! I was looking all over for you!" He hands Amy her phone. "Did you like the note?" She laughed "Heh, Yep! It sure made me laugh!" Amy laughed. "Thanks, my brother would've killed me if i lost it" She smiled at him. 'I've never seen her smile. What should i do? Smile back? Compliment her? Walk away? No. I'll just smile back and say bye. But i still wan't to talk to her. I don't want her to go, should i ask her if she wants to stay after school with me? She won't want to. I'll just smile and we will see how it goes.' Matthew gives her a warm smile. Amy slightly blushed, luckily it wasn't noticeable. "I'll see you later! Thanks again!" She said walking outside, waving at him. "It was nothing!" He said, waving back at her.

~~~Time skip brought to you by....... ehhhh... i don't know, you pick! :D~~~

Once Amy got home, she went straight into her room. She went through her cabinet and found her old diary. "Welp, guess i'm using 'This' again." She opened it up and found a pen. She started writing. 'What is this feeling? Eh, it doesn't matter, what i'm wondering is... why is Matthew being so nice to be, why isn't he like the others? Why? Why? Thats my question.' After she wrote those words into her diary, she went down the stairs to see het brother in the kitchen. "Hey Adam." She said to her brother. "Sup." Adam replied. Amy went downstairs to the basement to play video games. Meanwhile, Matthew was at the mall, thinking of buying Amy a gift for her birthday. "Amy's birthday is in two days, lets see... what should i get her?" He said to himself, wandering around the mall, looking for something that Amy would love. He stopped by this store that sold bracelets and necklaces. He encountered a black bracelet with a blue bead in the middle. It costs $20 but it was worth it. He bought it, along with buying a 'Happy Birthday!' Bag to put the bracelet in. He went home and got ready for bed. Amy, on the other hand, was still playing her video games. A few minutes later, she went up to get a snack. She realized what time it was and went upstairs, said good night to her brother and went to sleep, nothing on her head. On the other hand, Matthew was still awake, wondering if Amy would like the gift or not. 'Should i be worried? No, its a good gift! No, don't be cocky. Will she like it? Will she wear it everyday? What if she just throws it out? What if she hates it? Ugh, what do i do?' He started to get a headache. He decided to calm down and relax. He went to the kitchen to get a glass of milk. He looked at his phone and it was from.... Amy. It read 'Hey! Sorry if its late, i was wondering if i can have number 3 for the math homework?' He immediately went into his room, then his book bag. He took out his math book and looked for number three. "There it is." He said to himself. 'It's 42.' He texted Amy back. His phone buzzed again. It was from Amy. It read ' Thanks! See you tomorrow at school.' And like that, Matthew fell asleep.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ i honestly don't know why i'm still writing this :') i'm trash at making stories :3
... welp... bye bye
( you guys can call me that :)

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