Topic Request: "Please give me a new twist ending"

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I've gotten this kind of request more than once:

"Please help me think of a new twist ending, wala akong maisip at parang nakita ko na lahat eh."

Nakaka-writer's block nga pag ganito ka mag-isip at magsulat. Putting pressure on you to "outsmart" your reader is hard, because you're trying to keep one step ahead of people who read a lot and don't have to write as much as you do.

My suggestion? Let it go. :)

If you LIKE writing "twist endings" and you do it well and you have no problem thinking of new twists, GO AHEAD. Hindi mo ito problema. :)

But for those who feel they have to ask for advice, then:

When I teach writing classes, I require students to THINK OF THE ENDING FIRST. Thinking of the ending first allows you to PREPARE for it, so the chapters of your story ARE NOT INCONSISTENT.

A twist ending has an effect when it's CLEVER, when it SURPRISES the reader, and also WHEN THE READER DOES NOT READ A LOT.

If nahihirapan kang mag-isip ng ending na "hindi pa nakikita ng reader", then maybe you shouldn't even do it. There is a logical ending to your story, to any story, based on how you've been writing it. When you let that ending happen, you are writing a SATISFYING END to your story. When you go for the OPPOSITE ending just to "surprise", then that naturally leads to a NOT SATISFYING ENDING.

So, if the question is, "How can I write a twist ending that will surprise and awe my readers?"

The answer is, if you have to ask, then this is not how you should end your story. :) Instead, write the ending that makes sense.

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