Chapter 8

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Okay, so I just wanted to state that I added a new Dauntless born character, because *cough cough* Someone wanted to be in it, and was mad that I didn't add her, so..

Yes. Julia, if you are reading this I am talking about you..

Anyway enjoy the reading.


"So, what's our plan?" I ask... Which was probably a stupid thing to say. I mean.... They are going to say the plan? Right? I turn my head... Oh. My. God. Is that? On our team? Oh my. It is... Stay cool... Act normal.

" Plan.... Okay... I say we split up. Some stay and guard our flag while other go attack and grab the other teams flag" Christina says. Everyone starts mumbling and everything when I blurt out

" Haven't you seen horror movies? You NEVER split up! That's like a death wish." Christina rolls her eyes.

" I think its a good idea." Four says. We all nod and start walking.

" So, where is their flag?" A girl in the back asks... That's the point... We HAVE to find it....Guess who's not Erudite!

" We should climb that tree to find out." Christina say as she points to the tree.

" No, I have a better idea." Tris says as she starts running straight. Four follows. More evidence that he likes her....

I look at Christina, then at Uriah, then at Will, then at the three other girls. " What in the world..." I say.

" Just let her do whatever. I'm sure she know what she's doing." A dauntless born with blonde hair, purple streaks and blue eyes says.

" Yeah." I nod.

" Jules" She says with a smile " And this here is Marlene, Lynn and Uriah." She says as she points to each of them.

" Alice. And I've already meet Uriah." I say and he nods. But its true. We have.

" Well than that's great. You're one step ahead." She says and we laugh.

Tris and Four comeback fifteen minutes later. " We know where the flag is."

They say at the same time. Awe! They make a cute couple!!

"Where?" Will asks.

" Follow us." They say again. We nod and follow.

They lead us for about a mile and we are in the other teams ' area'. And I know this because the other teams starts shooting at us.

" Who does what?!?!?!?" I yell.

" Just follow me!" He says and I do. I start shooting at who ever comes near me.. Okay.. Doing good Alice! You're doing real good! And this... is actually kind of fun.... I hide. I breath in... and breath out.

Four beckons me and I follow. We shoot at whoever comes by. Before we know it, Tris is on the clock tower holding a neon green flag with Christina.

" We did it! We won! " I hug Tobias and run towards Tris.

" You did it! You actually got the flag!" I say and she laughs.

" I know, I can't believe it!" We laugh and I start walking away. Uriah walks up to me.

" That was good." He says.

" Yeah." I smile.

" Hey, Lynn, Marlene, Jules, Tris and I are going Zip lining. Wanna join?" He say.. Tris? What ever.

" Yeah." I smile and follow him.

We all walk to a large building.

" Its really fun, we go here all the time." He says to the both of us as we walk inside the building. Tris goes first. She seems excited. Brave. Uriah lets me go next. I smile and tie myself up.

" Pull this latch we you get to the end." I nod as they push me.

I go fast. Real fast. And I like it, I like the feeling of wind in my face. Its fun. I soar over the city. I go past the Amity, past Erudite, past Candor, and past home. Except it isn't home anymore. It never was. The zip line goes near Dauntless and I know I am coming to a stop. I grab the latch and pull.

The zip line comes to a stop and I unbuckle. That was fun.

One hour later I am back in my room. That was the most fun I've ever had. Christina walks in.

" Okay, I've done my observing, and I know who your brother is."

Her. -A Divergent Fanfic-Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum