He was still so confused. He didn't like the way she aggressively grabbed him so he grabbed her wrist to make her out it down. "What are you talking about?"

Sakura blinked then cursed. Of course he wouldn't know what she meant because he doesn't know what Sasori told her. She began to tremble. This was so embarrassing! Now he's going to ask me a bunch of questions! "N-nevermind. Can we go home now? It's so late and I'm really tired."

"Hn." He checked his phone and it was 10:23. Yeah it's a good time to go. Plus, he just wants to get away from that red-head as much as possible. He began to walk to the exit beside the pinkie but he realized something. He face palm himself and turned around to the other direction. As much as he hated the idea, he had to ask Haruno's friends for a ride. Great. The only person he hated least was Deidara so he asked him instead of the red head and his older brother. "Can we have a ride?"

The dark blonde blinked as he chuckled lightly. He pointed at Itachi. "We took a ride in his car so you should ask him." Sasuke groaned. He really didn't want to do this. He clenched his jaw as he stared into his brother's eyes. He then repeated the question to him.

Itachi rubbed his chin. "I would give Sakura a ride but not you." Sasuke scowled and sped to the exit. He muttered some words but before he left Sakura grabbed his arm.

"Oh Itachi-san stop joking with him like that." She said. "Sasuke and I just want to go home already." She slapped his arm, telling him to chill.

Sasuke covered his mouth. "You..really need to think before you speak." He fought back the redness that wanted to be shown. But he refused. He turned his head away, just in case his blush appeared. Uchiha's don't blush. Uchiha's don't show such feelings.

Sakura wasn't too sure why he said that. But what he said kind of made sense for all the laughter the guys were bringing.

Sasori wiped a tear from his left right eye. "First you tell me you two aren't dating. Then you tell me you two live together? You're not fooling no one." He couldn't hold back the smirk he wanted to give. How dense can they be?

The pinkie slapped her mouth. So that's why Sasuke said that. But they just misinterpret what she said! She didn't mean to say that! "I-I..." God why'd she have to stutter! "I didn't mean it like that! We were just having a sleepover!"

Sasori stopped laughing immediately. "Just you and Sasuke? Sakura you two better not be-"

She bonked his head, already knowing what that guy was thinking. "That's not it at all, you idiot." She sighed and looked up at the sky. It's getting way to dark and way to cold. "Itachi-san can we please just go?"

He took his keys out of his pocket and waved it at her. "Don't worry so much."

Then they were off. As they walked away, the lights of the carnival turned off. So everything seemed so abandoned and scary. She was behind the boys as they were talking about drinking tonight. She really hoped they wouldn't drag her along. "Sakura...." She heard a faint voice calling her name. She looked to her sides and looked straight ahead to see if the guys were just messing with her. But they weren't because they were too focused on something else. A shiver ran down her spine. She didn't like this. She didn't like this at all. "Sakura..." She heard it again and this time she turned around. Three figures far away in the distance were waving at her and they all faintly called out, "Sakura..." She turned back around and ignored it. It was just her wild imagination playing with her. Yeah that's it. She bit her lip. Every second past by she could hear approaching footsteps. She absolutely did not want to look behind herself now. I'm not scared. I'm not scared. I'm not scared. But that's impossible because she then felt a hand on her shoulder. "Sakura?"

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