Thoughts: Upside Down Chapter 16

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Chapter 16-Lana's POV

Should I do it?

No. It would be to much for my brothers.

But there's no other reason not to.

I'm so selfish. I would do this and only I would benefit.

But that's not true.. What about those who hate me?

'Good Riddance Alana. I'm not gonna miss you' they would say.

But I promised Connor. I can't.

But it's the only way out of this.

The only way.

(A/N) Hey guys. This is a small chapter but there's more to it then you think. You'll see over the next few chapters. Don't ask ʷʰʸ the authors note is in italics. I felt it goes with the theme of this chapter.

Jk... I was just too lazy to change it back. I'm typing from my phone so it gets annoying to change it.

Well until next time,


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