Chapter 2

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**The next day**

Harry's POV

I parked my car in the parking lot at school. I was dressed in a white shirt and black tight pants with converse. I also had a bandana on my head. My hear is just messy okay? And i love bandanas.

I hope Maddy will forgive me. I know she doesn't deserve to be handled like that but i just.... I don't know what happened. I walked to my locker and a few minutes later Maddy came to. She looks amazing as always!! When she saw me she wanted to walk away but i grabbed her wrist.

"Maddy. Please, look at me." She looked at me. "Hear me out. I really didnt ment to. I was just.... It was just that..." I couldn't finish my sentence because really don't know why i did it. "Yes Harry? You just......what!?" I didn't answer her. I couldn't.

"Maybe it's the best if i stay away from you." She said and i letted a tear slip. Suddenly i couldn't breathe and my heart beated faster and faster. This is unhealthy, i know that for sure. "No. Please Maddy. You can't do that i..." I couldn't finish my sentence because my voice was gone.

How the hell did that happened!? My voice gone? What is wrong with me!? I letted more tears slip. "Harry? Is everything okay!? You're as red as a tomato!! Harry!!" I cried harder and my sobs were louder. I have an anxiety attack. Yes i have those.

I began to cry and sob very hard and loud and i barely breathe or talk. When it's really bad i can black out. I need my pills. Where the hell are my pills!? I sat down on the ground against the lockers. Maddy was right in front of me, on the ground. "Harry please. Talk to me!!"

I shook my head. I can't talk or breathe. I can't i just no! I'm getting dizzy. Why am i even having a anxiety attack. Is it because she wants to stay away from me!? What the fuck! Maybe i still love her. NO! OF COURSE NOT!! I can't and i don't. What is wrong with me!!?

"Harry please. Talk to me. Breathe. Calm down!!" She said to me. I can't. "I-i-i N-need my..." I whispered but i couldn't finish my sentence. "Yes Harry. Tell me. You need what? Come on, you can do it. For me. Please Harry. You need your what? Please, try." I shook my head no.

"Please Hal. For me!?" "P-pil-ls..." I breathed and stuttered at the same time. She nodded. "Are they in your bag or locker?" I nodded at her. It became harder and arder to breathe.Help somebody please!! I wanna scream everything out. But... I can't.

She looked in my bag and locker and turned back to me. "I can't find them. Are you sure you have them here?" I shook my head no and sighed. A lot of people are panicking around me. "Harry. Please. You can't leave me alone here. Think about the thing you love the most."

I love nothing. Really nothing. I dont even have a heart. Wait. Of course i have a heart but it doesn't beat for somebody i... Ugh... She hugged me and i hugged her back, tight.

Suddenly i could breathe again. My heart slowed down and i only cried quietly. How does she do that!? Nobody could ever calm me down!! And here she is... She just calmed me down. "Thank you Dell." I wispered in her ear. I stopped crying and everything was normalagain. We both stood up. She pulled back and looked into my eyes. "Since when do you get these?" I sighed.

"Since..." "Yeah? Since?" Maybe i just have to tell her the truth. No of course not. "Since i... Since you left. I have them since then." She looked hurt at first but then she looked angry. "Since i left you? Since I left YOU!?"She yelled at me and i nodded.

"Yeah since you left me. What's wrong?" She sighed and calmed herself down. "I didn't left you!! You left me Harry! YOU LEFT ME FOR YOUR STUPID LITTLE GANG!! DO THEY CARE ABOUT YOU LIKE I DO!? DO THEY!? WELL...!?" I looked deep into her eyes.

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