They get Jealous

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A/N:Turn the music on for some sound. Sorry for not updating.

One day you were talking to boost while walking to the mess hall. When you and boost were were talking down the hall Wolffe was walking around the corner and stopped dead in his track and felt jealous . He approached you and boost "Y/N can I speak to you? " he said "Sure commander"you said You said bye to boost while he's walking away. Wolffe grabbed your hand and took you to a closet. When you and Wolffe got on the closet he let go of your hand. "Ow, what was that for? "You said "Why were talking to boost? "He said with anger. "I was talking to boost because I had no one to talk to. "You said "I'm sorry Y/N I-i just couldn't control myself." He said "Wolffe I can tell your jealous "You said while kissing his cheek. "I'm sorry " he said while giving you a kiss on the fore head.

A/N:I thought the tough commander should be gentle towards the end.

You and Cody haven't seen each other for a while and you were talking to General Kenobi about the war. When you and Kenobi were talking Cody was given orders to make contact to the station on the outer rim. When Cody was walking back to general Kenobi he caught an eye on you and felt a little jealous when you were near general Kenobi. ''General Kenobi we have made contact to the station." He said while glaring at you through his helmet. "Very good, I shall tell the Jedi order the station is safe."general Kenobi said. "Should I go so you can continue general Kenobi with your mission ? " You said "You shall leave, Cody excort Senator L/N back to her ship."Kenobi said "Yes,sir"Cody said while excorting you back to your ship. "Y/N can we talk? "Cody said while you two were close to your ship. "Sure, what do you want to talk about? " You said "Well, when I saw you talking to general Kenobi I felt a little jealous. "Cody said "Cody I know you felt jealous because I was talking to general Kenobi. "You said "Y/N I miss not seeing you " Cody said "I miss you too Cody "you said while leaning towards him to kiss him. You went on your ship and left.

A/N:This was the longest one I have ever written and I hope you like it.

Rex :
You were talking to anakin. And Rex was walking toward you and Anakin. "Y/N can I speak to you this evening? " Rex said "Sure" you said.

(Time skip to evening)

You two met at your favorite spot by the mess hall. While you were waiting you sat down on the bench. Rex approached you in anger. "Y/N we need to speak. " he said while sitting down on the bench while holding hands. "Sure what do we need to talk about? '' You said in worriness "Y/N when I saw you witk general Skywalker I felt a weird feeling. " Rex said "Rex it's called jealousy. " you said in ease and kissing his cheek.

A/N:In the next chapter there will be a surprise.

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