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-Astrid's pov-

I woke up in Gothi's hut. Wait, I woke up!? Suddenly, all the memories of what happened before flooded back into my head, crashing and breaking all sense of reason. I was attacked by Moonspines, and I was pricked, so how come I am alive?! Not that I'm complaining, but didn't Hiccup say that it is impossible to make more of the stuff which wakes people up after they had been attacked? Did he find another tree? Or another recipe? I felt strangely cold, yet sweaty and my eyes were heavy like someone had tied a tonne of bricks to each of them, almost forcing them to close. But I didn't let them. I had to make sense of this. I turned my head and looked out of the window.

A light-blue sky was outside and the sun was on the horizon, which meant it was early morning. But was it Snoggletog or Snoggletog Eve or was I asleep for even longer than that? If I had been asleep for a single night, it would be Snoggletog Eve, however if it had been two nights today would be Snoggletog and if I had been out for any longer than that I would have missed Snoggletog. I would have missed my first Snoggletog with Hiccup in 8 years.

I suddenly felt down. Would I have to wait another year to spend a Snoggletog with Hiccup? Or maybe it was today and I could surprise him because he probably thinks that I am still unconscious in here. However, my trail of thoughts was interrupted by voices near the door.

"I don't know where else he will be if he isn't here." Said a muffled voice that sounded like Fishlegs.

"If he isn't in here with Astrid, then he is probably out in the forest or something." Said a voice which sounded dreadfully like Snotlout.

"Without T?" Said Tuffnut. I could now hear their footsteps as they grew closer to the door.

"Well, where ever he is, we will make it the best Snoggletog he has ever had." Said Fishlegs.

"Well, that's kind of a given isn't it? I mean for his first fifteen Snoggletogs he was probably bullied and abused - poor guy - and for the last eight he has been by himself." Said Ruffnut.

"Way to bring a damper to the group, Ruff." Said Snotlout in a tone of voice which involved something I know all too well.

"It's Snoggletog guys! Let's think of the positives rather than the negatives." Said Fishlegs. So, it definitely was Snoggletog today. "Like cheering him up. He is probably all depressed about Astrid, so we need to take his mind off of her and onto the Snoggletog spirit!"

The footsteps came to a stop outside the door. Someone knocked on the door softly before pushing it open. I was sitting facing the door directly waiting to see who the first one in will be. However, when the door opened, instead of a warm smile and a greeting, there came a smash of something being dropped and a shocked gasp.

"What is it?" Demanded Tuff, "A dinosaur?"

"A flaming electric eel?" Questioned Ruff.

"A huge pile of money?"

"A shark?"

"A six foot long snail?" (A/n - Imagine that...)

I couldn't help but wonder what had made Fishlegs gasp like that and drop whatever he was carrying and I franticially started looking around the room near the door to see what could have startled him.

"Guys, just have a look." Whimpered Fishlegs. As he said that, three pairs of blue eyes stared through the gap in the door, and all three grew wide with shock.

"Um.... hi?" I asked. Then they all tumbled through the door in a massive heap and landed on the floor. Fishlegs waddled in after them, still wide-eyed and stared at me. "What's going on?"

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