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*BamBams POV*
I was heading to my room when I heard Luhan scream. He was talking to Alaina I left them be so I won't get in trouble. But I was about to take a shower when Alaina came to me.

She said that she wanted to talk to me. She sat me down and talked. She showed me her arm and said that Lilly did it. And that was just a waning that she had to stay away from him.

She was about to cry. I could understand why though. Her and Kookie are closely bonded. I hugged her. I said that he going to notice her arm. Then she said "I know I will tell him tomorrow." I let go if her and tell her to go to bed. I just hope nothing bad will happen.

*Next Day*

*Yugyeoms POV*
I woke up to a bunch of yelling. I walk out to the living room and saw Alaina and Kookie yelling at each other.




*Alaina*: " LIKE WISE!!!"



*Kookie*: " OK, FINE WITH ME"

*Yugyeoms POV*
Alaina ran to her room starting to pack. The others walked out in confusion. Luhan came to me and asked what that was about. I told him that she said something about Lilly hurting her.

He then ran to Alaina and so did BamBam. Carlee and Destiny went to talk to kookie. To find out what happened.

Alaina came back and she ran to the door and slammed it. BamBam, and Luhan came out saying she is leaving. She is going to live on her own again. We all froze but kookie. He just left.

*Destinys POV*
I swear I am going to shove a spoon down his throat. He was so blinded by what he calls love. But I call it torture. Me, Luhan, Carlee, and BamBam went to go look for her. But she was no where to be found.but then BamBam said he found her and wanted to talk to her in his own so we let him go and talk to her.

We left and found Lilly with kookie we opened the door on what looked like they were kissing. I just gagged.

*BamBam*: " Hey, you ok?"

*Alaina*" No, he thought I was telling lies Bambi."

*BamBam*:" I know I heard. Do you want to talk about it?"

*Alaina*: " Why does he trust her so much Bambi? He also changed. I don't like it Bambi not at all."

*BamBam*: " I don't know why he trusts her but he does. Also I have noticed he has changed."

*Alaina*: " I just want it all to be over."

*BamBam: " I know you do."

*BamBams POV*
We sat there talking for a while. I pulled her in for a hug. She was freezing. I just held her, she fell asleep. So I took her bag and her back to the dorm. I will just have her bunk with me and Yuygeom from now on.

Kookie looked at me and I just gave him the death glare. He looked away he was mad and so was Lilly. I just need to stay with Alaina when she is here.

*Yugyeoms POV*
BamBam walked in with Alaina saying ahead will be staying in our room with us for a while. He set her down on his bed which was big enough for two people.

He then explained to me what had happened. I was shocked to hear that Lilly hurt Alaina she seemed so sweet. But I guess she was fake with us. Then we all had to go to the studio. BamBam didn't want to leave her but we had to.

So we all said bye to the girls and left.

*Alainas POV*
I was asleep for a while but the I woke up I was I pain. I could see that Lilly was cutting my leg.

*Lilly*: " Don't you dare get close to them. If you get closer I will kill you understand."

*Alaina: " Yes, I do just stop cutting me."

*Lilly*: " Good. Now don't test me."

*Alainas POV*
I went to wash up my leg and then I bandaged it up. I just sat on the floor waiting for the boys to come back but I new it would be a while. So I just fell asleep.

*5 hours later*

*BamBams POV*
We finished our shooting and we found Lilly asleep on our couch. I walked into our room to see that Alaina wasn't there. I looked at Yuygeom and we both start to look around.

Then I look I the bathroom to see that she was on the floor curled into a ball asleep. I told Yuygeom and he just looked in awe. But then he pointed to the bandage on her leg. I unwrapped it. I saw that there were cut marks.

I put her on my bed so I could take a shower. I finished and Yuygeom went to go take his. I layed on my bed then Alaina woke up. She looked at me. I then asked what happened to her leg.

She keept quiet for a while. Yuygeom walks out the bathroom thinking she is still asleep. He also had no shirt on. She screams. We both just laughed. She has never seen a boy with out his shirt.

We were about to sleep when she said Lilly did this to her leg and that she can't get to close to us.

*Marks POV*
To see Lilly here on our couch I didn't like it. She was the cause of Kookie and Alaina fighting. I felt bad, Alaina is sleeping in Yuygeom and BamBams room. She is also close with BamBam just hope nothing goes wrong.

*Next day*

*Lilly*: " I told you not to get close to them! I warned you now this happens. "

*Alainas POV*
I woke up tied up. Lilly was going to push me into the ocean. I was trying to fight back but it was hard when you are tied up. I just hope some one will come.

*Marks POV*
I was up and I was going to go see if BamBam was up. But Alaina wasn't there. Then I went to the girls and they were tied up. I went to untie Carlee. She said that Lilly was going to push Alaina intk the ocean to drown.

I got up and ran. I saw Lilly push her. I sprinted and dove into the water. I grabbed Alaina and swam to shore. She was out. Still breathing but out.

Then she came back but thus time she had Carlee. She threw her I I swam out to get her lucky for me I was able to reach her.

I remembered that my phone was water prof so I called BamBam and told him time grab Yuygeom and get down to the beach quick.

Next thing I know Destiny was thrown in the water. I had to swim out to get her. Then as I got to shore I saw the guys. They came sprinting to me. I told them that Lilly pushed them.

We all grabbed a girl and headed back. We were going to tell kookie. But we will see who he believes.

Hope you enjoyed the first chapter of this book. If you haven't read Attack you should go read that so that this book makes alot more senses.

I Thought I Meant Something (Bts, Got7 FF)(Book 2 Of Attacked)Where stories live. Discover now