The body gaurd chapter 2

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She was confused terrified she wanted help but no one could help her until he came....

Star woke up she then noticed she was drooling she quickly wiped it away using her hand  star looked at the lugage that was infront of her then she remembered what she was supposed to do today she went to the  bathroom she  took s bath she can't think strait after what her mom told her "earth" she thought To herself hugging her knees "what if people hated me there?.." She ask herself over thinking everything she cleared her mind and went outside the bathroom and changed to her formal clothes then she went outside bringing her lagage with her then she went outside "star what are doing?.." Her mom asked star forgot about how over protective her mother was "were's mathew!?" Her mother asked  "it's ok mom i could do it myself" star answerd  still carying her laugage then she saw mathew running towards them answering qween moons call "Sorry your higness!" Mathew apologized carrying star's laugage to the carage  star was about to enter the carage when a teen about her age entering the carage with her he was wearing a bussiness suit and he's left hand a tentacle. "Who the heck is that?.." She thought to herself "star this will be your body gaurd marco diaz" star's mom spoke closing the door. Star looked at him  she took a minute to study his face he had purple skin. Star was unsure about this person he always had no expresion on his face and he kinda looked supicious. Marco noticed her. She was oddly looking at him "your heigness are you alright?.." He questioned she snapped from her thoughts and looked at marco  " fine" she answerd looking down at her feet . "your haigness you have arrived on earth!" mathew shouted. Marco hold the door for star star slowly walked out of the carage looking around she was suprised earth looked wonderful then she noticed a large building with people quickly entering it  but then she noticed people watching her strangely her anxiety start's to grow..... 

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