‘Hush now, my baby’

‘Be still and don’t cry’

‘Mother’s here, she would protect’

‘No one could hurt you goodbye’

So Stella was forced

To be apart

She alone played

Just when it’s dark

With her favorite toy

Alone at the hut

The knife her father gave

At her favorite spot

After months of silence

Here comes a rumor

The chickens of neighbors

Beheaded on the floor

Once again, Stella was blamed

Along with her knife

‘That girls a psycho!’

The village unites

So Stella came back

To her loving mother

He sang the lullaby

‘Till she was tired

To check her sanity

They called a doctor

‘Stella’s in her room,’

‘Go check my daughter’

So he asked her

‘What do you do?’

‘Let’s play! Let’s play!’

With a chuckle, she said

The doctor grew afraid

He decided to go home

But near the hut on the road

He found Stella, alone

With a knife in her hand

She began to sang

‘Let’s play! Let’s play!’

Her voice had rang

‘I’m busy! No,’

The doctor had said

Stella grew angry

With a thud, he was dead

Stella got home

With blood in her knife

‘What did you do?’

‘I played’ she sighed

They found the doctor

And Stella’s knife

But mother protected her

And forced her to hide

Dear father was nowhere

Since the rumors spread

She only saw him the night

When things turned upside

The night when Stella

Was tucked off to bed

The mother sang the lullaby

And kissed her goodnight

A thud on the door

A bang on her chest

Stella’s knife was gone

The mother was dead

Poor Stella, that girl

No mother to wee

She went to her hut

And gues what she sees?

Her bloodstained knife

With the others’ head

So she ran to her house

And tucked off to bed

Then a voice whispered

Calling her name

‘Stella, Stella’

‘Come here, don’t cry!’

But Stella was afraid

She dare not go up

She hid in the closet

Crying all out

A bang on the door

She got up and ran

Outside the house

Looked up and then

Dear father was sweet

Dear father was wise

He gave the knife to Stella

To blame on the crimes


‘I killed the chickens,’

‘I killed the doctor’

‘I hurt the children’

‘I killed dear mother!’


Stella looked up

Screamed on what she sees

Her father hanging

Up the tree

With blood on his chest

A slit on his throat

Hanging by the neck

Eyes yelling ‘Hell-O!’

Stella cried

Ran to the hut

Holding the knife

On her favorite spot

A thud on the door

A bang on her chest’

A scream in the air

Then Stella, was dead


If Stella was dead

And father murdered?

The question here:

‘But then, who killed?’


A/N: The song on the side is one of the native lullabies here in the Philippines. I used to enjoy this song but then they used it on a horror movie. The title is Ili-Ili Tulog Anay: meaning the sway of the child as an elder put it on sleep.

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